
May 11, 2010

Up and Running.

We are up and running. Finally, have some internet.
Lil Miss is cuter than ever.
She enjoys her days with mommy...
crawling, babbling, standing and "trying" to walk.
It is such a blessing to stay home with her.
We are getting into a routine now that we have our own place.

Our Mother's Day as Virginia {LOVERS}:
How was yours?
I am so very grateful for these two, words can't describe.
The day together was delightful.
We went on a Sunday drive,
which I love driving along a country road with my loved ones.

We also visited Williamsberg.
It was nice to be with family and friends, but the attraction was sub par.
Mr. Pendleton was a good sport about it,
but I have to agree with him there wasn't much thrill to it.

** Daddy and Avery getting ready for bed.
Since moving for the summer, Lil Miss hasn't been the easiest to put to bed.
Back at home, we could just lay her down and she would wiggle a little then drift off.
Last night, I had to try the let her scream it out technique.

I was/am NOT a fan...
Unlike me, Mr. Pendleton kept his cool while helping his wifey keep hers.
It is harder than I thought it would be.
So tonight I tried it by MYSELF (yes I know, daring):
Results- it was a SUCCESS, and the screaming only lasted about 10 mins.
Granted it was a LONG 10 mins, but she is now resting peaceful.

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1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see you smiling. Avery changes every time you post. I'll bet James will teach you to drive if you want him to. Have a great day.
    We love and miss you.
