
June 8, 2010

Walk. Drive.

While I have learned to drive a 5-speed, this little one learned to take a few steps.
That is correct.... Little miss is beginning to walk.
And what fun we are having teaching her.

I was able to drive all the way to TJ Maxx. That is something to brag about.
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  1. Way to go both of you. I wish I could be there to see both. Love ya!

  2. AWESOME! I'm sooo proud of you! And tell Lil Miss to keep workin those cavs :) I can't wait to see you guys. Love U xoxox

  3. Good for you!!! I hated driving stick!! So keep it up! I can't believe Avery is starting to walk!!! :) Hope you guys are doing well.

  4. I'm so proud of you! Hope you are having fun in Texas!

  5. way to go to the both of you! driving a 5 speed is tricky, i would not trust myself in one, haha.
