
February 10, 2009

I fell off the circuit, but I am back on...

It is already FEBRUARY... I can't believe it. I missed blogging pretty much the whole month of January. I love February.. and the ability to always get back on the horse! I am feeling great and please pardon me for neglecting my "words." James reminded me daily for the past two weeks that it has been a while since my fingers found the keyboard. Well, I do have some drafts that I still need to touch up before posting. The bottom line is that-

I AM BACK to recording my words, thoughts, desires, etc. and
everything that makes up OUR world.
Enjoy LOVE month! I know I will.
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  1. YEAH!! I am so glad you are back. The way I keep up on my friends and family is through blogging so I am glad to hear from you again! How are you feeling?

  2. You didn't "pretty much" miss the whole month of January, you DID miss the whole month of January! Luckily, we still see you frequently so I know what you've been up to... which also means I know you have some serious catching up to do! Welcome back to the blogging world.

  3. We are glad to see your back. I love reading your blog. Hope you are feeling better.

  4. Oh you know we'll enjoy "Love" month and I think you know what I mean! You know what I mean right?!

  5. HHHOOOORRAAAAYYYY!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited and can't wait for your upcoming blogs sister! I have missed reading your thoughts. Love u oxoxo tell peanut hello :)

  6. yay! you're back! we have missed your blogs!!!

  7. You are still ahead of me. Being in Michigan for the past 3 weeks, I have so much enjoyed reading everyone's blog and finding our how everyone is. I hope you are feeling ok. Pregnancy can really wipe all of your energy away. Tell James hello. And enjoy the last 2 weeks of February.

  8. im so glad your back..i loved reading about the pendleton pair...i missed not seeing your updates...
