{Peanuts} symbolizes my man-- loves sports, especially baseball, not so much soccer. Things are basic and uncomplicated in his mind. "It is, what it is," mentality. Hard shell exterior yet yummy goodness inside (extra salty).
{Lace} symbolizes myself (woman)—loves aesthetically pleasing and lovely things in life. There are patterns and meaning behind every line and curve. You must explore deeper and you will find the “real” answer. Everything is out in the open to see, yet it is a weave of emotions, feeling, and thoughts.
The Mister and I come from two very different backgrounds. It is hard, yet I know we strengthen each other, and together we can become the people we desire and need to be for our family, each other, and especially for ourselves.
Here is where I share daily miracles or tender mercies that aid in my gratitude for the life that I am given. Though our lives are not given freely, we are free to choose how we live. I choose to surround myself with uplifting and meaningful endeavors—this is one.