
November 17, 2009

Christmas GIfts

Look Here. It's pretty cool and Green.
I love trying to find the right present for each love one.
PS I think I might make a few little surprises as well.
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November 8, 2009

Covered Wagon

Yep, We (James & I) are OFFICIAL.
Tonight James "successfully" gave me a covered wagon.
I know it's gross... REALLY it is gross.
But I can't help but smile.
I know ya'll think I am crazy.
Let's be honest I am.
I think it brings a sense of love and humor
to our relationship.
You ask how...
I am not sure to tell the truth.
All I can say is that,
it made us both laugh.
I love the "after"...
obviously not the part where the ordor was encompassing my whole body
without the help of fresh air to filter the smell.
But the after, when we both were laughing.
It was good.
This doesn't mean I want another one.
It means I enjoy HIM, Mr.Pendleton...
smelliness and all.

PS You ask what a covered wagon is, look here.
Only if you dare. Hope you had an enjoyable weekend.
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November 5, 2009

Early morning hours

Peaceful. I love them. It doesn't matter if I have stayed up all night or just woke up on my own to check on my little one sleeping or stumble into the bathroom. There is something magical about being awake right before the world rises. You can almost feel the excitement of a new day, as tangible as snuggling with Mr. Pendleton- one of my favorite activities.

Maybe its so refreshing because after I quietly sit, I can sneak back to bed right before Mr. Pendleton gets up and cuddle up close. I have to time it just right. If I try to snuggle too early, when he is in the deep REM type sleep, I am cuddling a stiff log. If I wait to long he is outta bed and already in the shower (which can be fun too). But if I catch him right in the middle... He is just right. A little drowsy so he rolls over wrapping his arms around me. Tight enough to hold me still if I try to move, yet loose enough to give him a kiss. Perfect for starting a new day.

I think it is just that time. I can hear the car noise pick up outside and the sky is turning a slighter blue. Therefore, I must go and start my perfect day.

P.S. I am watching Nana and Logan today. I am excited to play with them.
I heard that our little peanut was a handful yesterday... Sorry Carly.
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November 3, 2009

The red face kind.

CAUTION: This will probably embarrass Miss Avery when she is older, but me and her dad can't hold back the laughter. Our little lady can't help but to let everyone around her know she is doing her business. She hasn't learned the value of subtlety. Soon she will though.

You know what she is talking about. It sometimes catches you off guard.

The kind that takes all your might and turns your face crimson.

Then you are able to conquer it,

and tranquility comes back into your countenance.
Sometimes you are even left with the question face.
P.S. "Mommy loves me" is an understatement.
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November 2, 2009


What do you get when you put two farmers together?

ONE prize WINNING pumpkin.

Our first family Halloween costumes.

Equals a fun night of plinko, food, family, and a costume parade.

{Favorite costumes of the night: Octo-mom and cheerleader with really big pecs}
P.S. Mr. Pendleton looked really good in his farmer get-up... makes me want to tear up the back yard and start a garden.
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October 29, 2009

2 month check-up

Two-month check ups aren't as fun as two week since your little one has to get jabbed in both thighs for her immunizations. It would be a lot nicer if the shots were in liquid form. Pediatricians please take into consideration. Thanks.

Avery was a trooper though, as always.

Length: 22 1/4 inches
Weight: 11 lbs 10 oz

As you can tell. She is growing well. Avery is so much fun with her grins, grunts, and coos. She is always alert so much that when it's sleep time in comes the blanket to put over her head to block out all the distractions.

People still ask who she looks like. To be honest, some days she looks exactly like her mom and other days like her daddy. You can decide.

PS We took family pictures the day of Avery's two-month birthday. Saturday was really rainy plus the BYU game. Sunday was better but cold. Pictures coming soon. You might even get one in the mail!

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October 14, 2009

A baby blessing.

Avery just wanted to take time to thank everyone that came to her blessing, both those that physically came and those that sent their support through love and prayers.
from my own little chubby cheeks.
Before the blessing we took a few pictures..
Maybe it was the excitement but I don't think we got one decent picture.
Finally, afterwards there was SUCCESS:
Daddy did such a sweet job. It is a special blessing in our family to
have a Priesthood holder like him to lead and provide for our family. Mom cried, of course.
The Grandparents.
Grand-dottie helped prepare some of the food. The onions made her cry.
Everyone brought a dish... therefore we had a gourmet BBQ.
It was perfect. Ryan (RyPie) did the grilling.

Grandma Pendleton made the dress, which was precious. Grandpa cried, too.
The sweet Great-grandparents:
Grandpa and Grandma Smith
Grandma Smith had to approve of the picture mom took of her. I think she looks graceful.
The folks in attendance.
Not Pictured:(Great) Grandpa & Grandma Pendleton, Mark & Kali Christopherson w/Ava, Emily & Adam Townsley, Megan Wilkinson, Tiffany Miley, Gloria Miley & Bill, Amber & Dereck Shumway, Madison Pecht, Garrett & Kelsie Beeston, Landon & Julie, Reed & Adeline.
Thank you for coming, even though most of the time I was doing this.
It was a present for my parents so they could enjoy ALL of ya'll.
Love, Avery Lyn
P.S. I really appreciate the love from my family in Wyoming and Texas that were unable to attend. I feel blessed with so much love!
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October 9, 2009

Computer problems...

Our computer has passed away. Actually it can be resuscitated , which is the good news, but it needs a new life (battery). So I guess I ran it in the ground with all the posts I wrote two weeks ago. My apologizes little buddy.
This is why there are no pictures. All of my pics are stored on that computer.
I need to do that CD back up thing, so all won't be lost when she really goes.
Its a scary thing to loose all my data: pictures, memories, papers, etc.
Note taken. Here comes the hours of back-up CDs.
She will be risen soon (thank goodness)...
like my own little Frankenstein.
Happy October.
P.S. I can't believe FALL is already here.
Dear Weather,
PLEASE let me have autumn and enjoy your crisp fall temperature.
I was not a fan of the quick cold front that visited us last week.
Snow is not welcomed yet... in a month or so you can come, and then I will enjoy you as well.

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September 29, 2009

Growing Pains

As a new mom, I am having growing pains. These pains aren't from stretching skin or swollen feet. Instead, the pains come from deep inside: The knowledge that my beautiful baby girl won't stay a baby for long.

*Avery Lyn 5 weeks old*

It's crazy to think about how much she has already grown and changed. She is discovering herself and the world around her more and more each day. I am getting teary-eyed just thinking about it. Yes, I still can blame the hormones for my many emotions. Some milestones Miss Avery has already achieved:

  1. Sleeping in her Crib, instead of the baby bassinet (In her own room may I add).
  2. Loving Bath time- Daddy does such a good job making sure the water is warm.
  3. Making more adorable baby coos- she is going to be a talker.
  4. Drinking at LEAST 4 oz every feeding: every 3-4 hours.
  5. Holding up her head so she can look around.
  6. Rolling over from her stomach to her back.
  7. Her hair growing longer.
  8. Getting chubbier cheeks.
  9. Sleeping better.
  10. Smiling at us.
{{Photo taken right after her rollover}}
Though it's hard for mommy to see you growing and changing, I am so excited for your future- to watch you grow into a breathtaking young lady. Keep on smiling babydoll, it lights up our day.
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Met the Quota.

You know that you have been reading blogs too long when...

You are viewing a site with adorable childrens creations... as you look around for more items and you see "view blog". Everyone seems to have a website AND blog now a days, right? Your heart jumps at the chance to see more sensational pieces, but the bubble bursts. You just realized (after clicking the link and being denied- you have no items in your BAG) what it really said...
It's time to get off.
Your BLOG quota has been met for today.
At least, I was just window shopping to get ideas. James would be proud. Actually he would probably make the comment, "Why were you surfing the web? You are suppose to be sleeping when Avery does. Looking at the computer is NOT taking it easy. You need to rest." Yep, I can hear his voice now which makes me smile. I love Mr. Pendleton.
P.S. Have fun today at your NEW job (location), babe.
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September 28, 2009

{26} The Alphabet Birthday.

One of my favorite pictures: engagements in Indiana.
Taken by our friends Dani and Jon.
Mr. Pendleton turns {26}.
I am making him a gift. It hopefully with be very sappy and make me cry.
Mr. Pendleton is a ROCK... he does not cry.
I can count the times on one hand:
{1}our wedding day
{2}When he was writing about our bundle of joy, Miss Avery Lyn.
{3}when I left him in Indiana to drive back with his sister
But his present isn't ready yet. I know LAME.
I want it to be meaningful and special,
and it seems I can only work on it when the world is sleeping.
I will post about it when it is finished, which will be evidence of how late (lame)
his gift was from me. I am the worst lover ever.
Forgive me.
It will be worth it.
Happy Birthday, Sweetheart.
**Hint: There are 26 letters in the english alphabet,
which happens to be how old Mr. Pendleton is TODAY. Nifty, huh?
I got a kick out of it. So I ran with the idea...
PS. You are my world. Thank you.
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September 27, 2009

Softball finale.

James loves SPORTS. I know this is a very very big UNDERSTATEMENT for those that know my Mr. Pendleton. He is always on some kind of team... softball, hockey, football, etc. Let alone he tries to get out on the golf course at least a couple times a week. He can do this because he takes "clients" during work. Hey it works out for both of us... he doesn't have to use "our" money or time to go, so I don't complain. Sometimes I encourage a work golf outing. Mr. Pendleton has a little pepp in his step after a round of golf, which never hurts. Love to see him happy, but sometimes I miss him. It's true. So here is the moment of truth:

I can't say that I am too sad that softball is pretty much done. I get my cuddle time back. Yep, this is my selfish moment, but I like Mr. Pendleton. I like snuggling up to him and just chatting. It might not be something he looks forward to, but I certainly do!
Good Job this season babe!

You might have learned some valuable lessons:

Winning isn't everything. You can just have fun. Don't pick fights with your teammates.Sometimes you don't have to be AS competitive. There is something such as a fun little game of ball.

To name just a few. Or not.

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