
March 30, 2009

Overactive Mind...

So, I should be in my warm cozy bed snuggling up next to my sweet heart.

Instead: My mind is racing... and my body won't drift off to dreamland.

Solution: WRITE about it- So I can join my hunny in counting sheep and running through fields of wild flowers.

MIND JUMBLE. I need to finish Geneve's bridal shower invites. What should I plan for the "game" part of the shower. What colors should the cupcakes be... where can I get a cupcake tree. It would be best to borrow one... Any saints out there? I hope the shower is up to par. Speaking of par will James want to spend this Saturday golfing again? Oops I forgot... we are going camping with Kali and Mark. i need to find an air mattress.. the prego body can't sleep on the hard ground anymore. I wonder if they will bring their little girl- Ava. They have such a cute little girl. Little girl- I wonder if James will be happy with a girl. I know after awhile the idea will grow on him, but how will I respond if he isn't excited the moment we find out (which is NEXT week). Will she be a daddy's girl? will i be jealous of her... getting replaced as James' "new" princess. Will I know how to take care of a newborn? I haven't even bought anything yet... am i procrastinating too much (still have 4 1/2 months). What if we can't find a new place to live. Can i survive another year of "no sunlight" living. Should i paint the nursery sunlight yellow. i don't even think we are allowed to paint. i probably wouldn't be able to paint because of my "condition". speaking of How is my so called "condition"? should i be doing more.... take more vitamins, exercise, drink "more" milk- even though it makes me sick. am i eating enough of "healthy" foods? am I sleeping enough? speaking of, I should probably catch those sheep now.... hopefully, this time as I lay my head down... the mind shall follow. Goodnight, I think.
I need to stop doing that- "thinking", especially when I should be counting sheep or goats
(since they are pretty much the same).
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  1. Here's a random comment to your random thoughts: Sheep and goats are totally in the same family. I still support you in that. I think Susan has a cupcake tree; didn't she use it for your wedding? We have an air mattress, but I'll have to check when my family is coming in because we'll need it once they are here. And I don't think it is possible to be jealous of your children. You just love them too much.

  2. I do have cupcake tree. I did buy it for your wedding. You are welcome to it. I think we had an air mattress, but I don't know where it is--we will check. A little girl would totally be a daddys girl. He will be happy--in time.

  3. That's funny! I read your mind jumble to Mark. A couple things, Ava can't help being SO cute and yes, James will replace you once the baby comes! It won't happen right away, but once he/she gets Ava's age, you'll be taking back seat!

  4. Oh, we have an air mattress if you want to borrow it. Let us know before we leave!

  5. I loved this post! What is your email address so I can send you my address. I know Geneve has my address because I just got her wedding invite today. I want to see you all cute and pregnant.

  6. It's called being pregnant and it gets worse when you actually have your children. That's why I now use sleeping pills (in limited doses of course) HA! This is only the beginning. Lets see some pictures of your cute preggy body!!!
