
November 30, 2008


James' Face after finding out I was EXCITED to go watch the Basketball game.
I know... Bewilderment.
We were able to see the game in style with box sits and FOOD... not to mention that we were in great company. I love hanging out with Mark and Kali not only do we have fun and end up laughing our heads off about something- the converstions aren't to bad either (most people would get embarrassed by the comments i make but Kali and I seem to be on the same wave link). FLASHBACK moment: We're all in the car looking for the apartment to pick up AVA- Kali: "this one looks familiar, I think it is here... turn here" over and over again:) loved it!

We love hanging out with our friends Mark and Kali.
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November 29, 2008

Wyoming kind-of-THANKSGIVING

Will update later about the many festivities that were had here.... Just wanted to let everyone know we made it here safely.
PS NO SIGN of snow and we were blessed with SUNSHINE...
Someone really does know the desires of my heart, and this I am so very grateful for.
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November 24, 2008


Eating tons of yummy food
Playing LOTS of games with family,
and relaxing in the sun,
yet I think WYOMING is going to Look More like this.
Atleast, there is NO work
and maybe I will spend my time doing some of this
so our walls at HOME don't look so bare.

But most of all I get to see and spend more time with HIM------>

Can't wait for that!!
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November 17, 2008


So I always check our blog in hopes that James has written on it... I would just love to hear him express himself or write something that I can READ, yet I have come to terms with the fact that he will probably never feel comfortable enough to. His reply is that "husbands don't blog." He has a reputation to uphold and an older brother, therefore I have stopped anticipating an entry from him. The funny thing is that I know he logs on at least once a day just to see and read my thoughts, so this is for you sweetie.
Why I am grateful for YOU:
you hold me when I am upset
you let me take the best bite of your toast
you open the door for me
you smirk when you see me looking at you out of the corner of your eye
you continuously hold my hand
you try to understand "me" even when I am being ridiculous or emotional
you bring me pistachios (even if you buy yourself some too)
you provide for me
you play my favorite song when I feel sick
you are an example of spiritual strength to me
you want to spend time with me
you will cuddle me when you are sleeping
you got me a dog for a day
you try to please me every moment of every day
you surprise me
you rub my back when I have cramps
you cook me breakfast and/or dinner
you help with the dishes because you know I hate doing them
you hold my hand when we pray
you and I make the best team... we can beat almost anyone in a game
you are smart, sexy, and sassy
you can tell when something is wrong without me telling you
you make me strive to be more patient, kind, loving, strong, smart, humble, and considerate...
you make me a better person
you are YOU...
and it is for all these reasons and more that I am grateful for YOU!


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Katrice's 20th Bowling Party

Saturday afternoon, James and I made our way up to Sandy Allstar bowling Alley for Katrice's 20th birthday party. You would think after twenty years of being Katrice's favorite cousin she would run up to me and give me a huge hug, but I have been replaced! If you know Katrice at all you would know that she has a soft spot for "boys".... well it hasn't changed. The first person she wrapped her arms around was my sweet James, but I can't blame her.
While we were waiting for other family members to join us for a game, we kept ourselves entertained. Doesn't James look ecstatic. To compare our talents of bowling, James' score was 161 and mine was 89 (note: I achieved that score with the help of bumpers). Bowling is definitely not my cup of tea! I chose to use bumpers, because the first five frames totalled FIVE. Yes, I know pathetic, but thank goodness for bumpers!
Katrice thanking me for her presents:
math workbook, word find puzzles, High School Musical UNO cards...
and a bottle of her favorite Dr. Pepper.
Group shot with Sis G and Auntie Glo LOVE this shot: Katrice was so excited she just plops down in the middle
of the ground to start opening her presents! Love this girl!
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Christmas List

Just a few things. Will I get any?...maybe or maybe NOT

But here is "THE LIST". Yes, most of the items are ridiculously expensive, so if these are out of your range.... I love thoughtful HOMEMADE things! One of my favorite wedding gifts was the painting of the Salt Lake Temple that my art teacher, Nathan Winters painted in watercolor. It is breathtaking and priceless.

Money: to buy furniture, work clothes, pay off debt, etc.
Gift Cards to Department stores such as Gap, Nordstrom, etc.Perfume: Either Ralph Lauren BLUE or
Escada INTO THE BLUE (Can be found at Walmart)
Hair Straightner (The CHI- expensive but lasts a life time)
*note I have already gone through three straigtners in 2 years
DSLR Camera- I think I would like Canon the most since their picture quality is the BEST!
Specs: 10+ Megapixels, extended lens, etc.
FANTASY WISH LIST: Miniature Labradoodle puppy....
(*note: James hates dogs, and we live in a basement apartment, but a girl can dream right? lol)
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November 14, 2008

Proposition 8

I just wanted to record some of the things that have occurred in California due to the members beliefs about proportion 8. I received this email from my mother-in-law, and thought it was well written so I wanted to share it. I wasn't there to experience it , but I experienced it and felt it through the written words of another...
Written by Paul Bishop- An LDS LAPD Officer looks at the Temple protests
It has been an interesting week.
The Chinese homily, “May you live in interesting times,” has its roots in a curse, not a blessing.
As I said, it has been an interesting week.
The controversy in California regarding Proposition 8 (the proposed amendment to the California constitution defining marriage to be strictly between a man and a woman) built to a frenzy in the days leading up to Tuesday's election and then exploded into anger and violence in the aftermath of Prop 8's slim passage into law.

I am a Los Angeles Police Department detective supervisor running a sex crimes unit covering the western quarter of the city, which also includes the area where the Los Angeles temple is located. I have a fantastic crew of 20 detectives who are an amazing mixture of races and sexes. I have several detectives who are openly gay or lesbian. This orientation has nothing to do with their efficiency as investigators. I deeply respect and like these individuals. I enjoy working with them. My life is often in their hands when we serve high risk search or arrest warrants. I trust them implicitly.
Obviously, the types of crimes we investigate bring us into regular contact with victims who are of an alternative lifestyle orientation. It is incumbent upon us that our compassion for these victims be no less than for victims who are heterosexual.
Hard Choices
Working in such an environment, I found taking a position on Proposition 8 to be difficult. Even though I chose to follow the direction of our Church leaders in my voting decision, it was extremely hard for me to place myself on the line when it came to actively working to ensure the passage of Proposition 8.

Still, I watched in amazement as my fellow ward and stake members worked tirelessly, committing themselves full-heartedly to the cause – not out of homophobic hatred, but out of a love of Christ and a belief in the sanctity of traditional marriage. Their faith strengthened mine, and I committed to participate in a sign waving public rally sponsored by our stake to be held at a local intersection.
By following through on this commitment, I found I had a greater stake in the battle than I had ever thought. I learned a number of hard and harsh lessons. And in the events following the election and passage of Proposition 8, I felt great anguish forcing me to drop to my knees in prayer – eventually coming to a more personal understanding of the Love of Christ and what he expects from me.
During the Proposition 8 rally, as I stood with my wife and friends waving Yes On 8 signs and waving to the passing rush hour traffic, I learned several things. I learned supporters of both Yes On 8 and No On 8 liked to honk their horns. I learned the way to tell the difference is the No On 8 supporters usually accompanied their horn honking with an obscene gesture or a string of obscenities. They also liked to swerve their cars toward the children on the curb.

I learned when we didn't engage in argument with the No On 8 supporters who intermingled with us in the intersection, they became enraged, red faced, and fit to burst.
I have no doubt Yes On 8 supporters both from our church and other churches engaged at some point in the shouting matches during the numerous rallies and demonstrations across the state. However, on the evening of my participation, I was amazed by the cool and non-confrontational way the Yes On 8 supporters conducted themselves.
I learned at the rally several of our ward members had received hate mail after their names, religious affiliation, contribution amounts, and addresses were published on a website inciting No On 8 supporters to target the listed individuals. Their houses and cars had been vandalized, their campaign support signs stolen, and opposition signs planted in their place.

When I returned home after the rally, I had a huge headache and my stomach was in knots. I am not a fan of confrontation, and the noise of the horn honking, both pro and con, and the divisive atmosphere inherent in the volatile situation had taken its toll. Still, after praying with my wife, I felt calmer and was pleased we had chosen to participate. While our efforts were miniscule compared to the hours of service to the cause provided by others, we had at least jumped down from the fence and done something.
Then I saw the latest No On 8 television commercial.

Supposedly produced by an independent group not affiliated with the official No On 8 campaign, the thirty second commercial spot shows two scruffy male white actors portraying Mormon missionaries who force their way into the well-kept home of a married lesbian couple.
“Hi, we're from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,” one says.
“We're here to take away your rights,” says his companion.
The missionaries then rip the wedding rings from the women's fingers and ransack the house until they find the women's marriage license, which they destroy.
“Hey, we have rights,” one of the women says.
“Not if we can help it,” answers a missionary.
Moving outside the residence, one of the missionaries smugly says, “That was easy.”
Flexing his muscles, his companion asks, “What do we want to ban next?”

While I was appalled by the commercial, I was even more appalled both MSNBC and The Comedy Channel happily took money to broadcast this overtly hate filled vignette. I cannot imagine a similar commercial, targeted at any other religious or racial group, not being considered a hate crime with a civic outcry for prosecution.
My hackles were beginning to rise in a distinctly unchristian way. However, the fun was just beginning.
Election Day And Aftermath
Election day in California saw numerous No On 8 activists distributing literature and vocalizing at polling sites in clear violation of election laws. Police were called, 100 yard distances from the polling places were paced off, yet the agitation continued.

Despite these efforts, Proposition 8 obtained a slim majority (52.5% to 47.5%). Exit polls showed the proposition was supported by 7 of 10 Black voters, a majority of Latino voters, and by people with children under the age of 18 still at home. Clearly, it was supported by all people who believed marriage is a special and protected institution.
The day after the election, spontaneous protests sprung up in West Hollywood – a small residential community, with a large gay and lesbian population, located within Los Angeles County , but just outside Los Angeles city borders. The protests did not have a particular focus or target other than outrage as they strayed outside the confines of West Hollywood and into Beverly Hills , Hollywood , and West Los Angeles . Several arrests were made, but the seething anger at the passage of Proposition 8 was not dampened.
On Thursday, however, two days after the election, rumors began to be picked up by LAPD of a large protest organized by gay and lesbian activists and their supporters to be staged outside the Los Angeles LDS temple on Santa Monica Boulevard in West Los Angeles.

LAPD has 22 geographic Areas divided between 4 administrative Bureaus . My investigative unit is attached to Operations-West Bureau – which has responsibility for the area where the Los Angeles temple grounds are located. We operate out of a squadroom across from the Bureau's administrative offices. In such proximity, I was in a position to observe the command post set up in the Bureau offices to monitor the actions of the field command post charged with keeping the already illegal (no permits) protest peaceful.
What I learned by watching and listening shouldn't have surprised me, but it did. During my 30+ year tenure, the LAPD as an organization has made great professional strides in the internal battle against sexual harassment, sexual orientation harassment, and racism. While there are still those in civil liberty organizations who contest we are still guilty of racially profiling on the streets (difficult to imagine when our department is so thoroughly integrated at this point in time), organizationally there is little or no tension remaining in these areas.
In the Bureau command post there was a large screen television displaying scenes from the protest outside the Los Angeles temple. Imagine my surprise, when angry protestors began rushing the closed temple gates, and I heard an officer in the command post say, “I hope they burn that place to the ground.”

Imagine my even stronger surprise when another officer replied, “They better hope they don't get through the gates, because the Mormons have an army in a bunker under the temple that will come out and kill them all.”
Really? My temple recommend must not be of a high enough clearance to get me into that part of the temple.

I'm now doing a slow burn. Not only am I watching a sacred building under siege from 2,500 angry people shouting, “ SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND HATE,” and carrying signs proclaiming MORMON HATERS and LOVE NOT HATE, I'm listening to other police officers who agree with the protestors or have the most imaginative fantasies about blood atonement armies hidden under the temple (exactly how do we feed them, drill them, get them in and out without anybody seeing, or are they all in a state of suspended animation until needed?).
I want to emphasize these were not officers or detectives from my own unit – who are all aware of my Mormon faith. Those in my unit who disagree with me over this issue are respectfully tolerant, as I am respectfully tolerant of their opposite beliefs. Tolerance, as Orson Scott Card recently pointed out, is indicative of disagreement. It is not a battle we choose to fight amongst ourselves. Most of us have known each other for a long time and are either embracing of, or oblivious to, our differences – divisiveness has no place in the types of investigations we conduct.
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November 12, 2008

Surprise ("from James")

I found this draft post in my "edit posts" from JAMES and it made me LAUGH. For your Enjoyment...

Every night when Katy gets home from work she finds the computer to check our blog secretly hoping that I have written on it. If you follow our blog at all you know that she is sorely disappointed every single night. After her disappointment she asks me nicely "when are you going to write on our blog?" I respond by claiming that no husbands write on blogs. She informs me that a few of them do in hopes that I'll fall into the trap. Well I finally did. I'm not promising a long post but I have to make my wife happy.

Katy has joined a card group with Carly so every month they have a new project to work on and my sweetie is a procrastinator to say the least. With the party this evening she scrambled to make twelve calenders last night and of course her amazing husband helped. Little did I know it would be an all night adventure. We finally finished them around 1 am.
James getting in touch with his crafty side (added by KATY)

Jeff and I been playing in a flag football league over in Spanish Fork for a few weeks now and my competitiveness... (to be cont'd)
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Halloween Adventures

Cornbelly's and the Corn MazeAfter reading so many blog's about Cornbellys and all the fun that others had there, I convinced James that there was fun there for us to have! Well granted most of the events were directed towards little kids we still were able to have a good time.James was a PRO at the corn maze. They had a crazy maze where you could only go one direction-- it was more like a puzzle, and of course James figured it out. Way to go baby!
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November 11, 2008

The Reason for my APATHETIC attitude

Curiosity has come over me. I have been pondering the past couple of days as to why I have been so apathetic to the “making of History” this election. Some reasons maybe that I am surrounded by strong conservative ideals- lets be honest Utah will always be a strong-hold of the Republic or conservative way, my in-laws and Husband out number me, most of my friends now a days are Republican- except for Ali Jo, and I was too tired and felt too inadequate to always defend why I liked Obama. Well, all of my emotions that have been bottled up for the past couple of months decided to come out. Some might argue that my opinion isn’t grounded by fact or that I haven’t provided enough support to back my reason of why I am glad Obama is our President, but it has been silenced far too long. The main reason that I like Obama is that he gives this country HOPE. He was able to ignite the desire among Americans to become part of something great- the ability to elect a President of the United States- Leader of the Free World. Just the small defeat of getting more Americans involved- ones that normally wouldn’t care or take to the time- in the voting processed amazed me. Citizens all around America gathered together to watch the debate and thousands gathered at the White house to cheer in the NEW President Elect. I think the ability to unite Americans for a good cause shows us the power that a passionate President can have- of course millions could have been gathered to see McCain win office, but I doubt he was the one that all eyes were on. I am not going to try and deceive you into thinking that I was one of those Americans sitting eyes glued to the TV, but in my heart I was hoping for a man with a vision that could lead OUR nation. I am a hypocrite in the sense I didn’t take the time to participate in the making of history- I have no valid reason except doubt. I kept questioning myself, if I was being persuaded by false promises or misguided hope. PLUS the idea that my vote doesn’t count in such a Republican dominated state kept running through my mind. Well, though I didn’t play an active part in this election, I don’t want to continue sitting in silence. The bottom line is that Our Country is in for a hard LONG ride, period the end. There are no easy outs, concrete answers or solutions that can be passed to quickly fix the years of neglect and outrageous spending, but there is HOPE. There is always Hope. I lost that idea for a moment when I began to doubt my motives, but I have received it again, through the small example of this election and our NEW President. What greater ability than one person can have than to instill HOPE in the HEARTS of Americans? I know that there are many Americans, namely my husband and his brother, that believe that Obama’s radical ways are going to force the United States into bankruptcy, but it seems like this country has been heading in that direction long before Obama ran for office. America is a place of freedom and opportunity. We as Americans have built this false ideology that we can spend, acquire, and charge any item we may want at the moment, not really thinking about the consequences of our extreme habits. We as a people need to change- to change our mindsets and ACTIONS. We need to begin to realize that WE make up this country and thus it is our actions that propel ambitious LEADERS to run. Leaders that will be willing to undergo the harassment and scrutiny that accompanies the oval office and take on the many “kinks” that needs to be fixed. So I am finally expressing my bottled up feelings… I am so glad and honored that there are still Americans that believe in this government and take part in the Election. I am eager to see the changes that will be made to hopefully better our nation. Yet, I keep coming back to the thought, that WE the people need to make changes first. Yes, Obama is passionate... But it is his passion that won the hearts of Americans across the country. Yes, Republicans are scared (especially Business Owners and millionaires) that they will receive the raw end of the deal, when his term in office is over… But changes will need to be made to secure this country for our future posterity. After this past week, I realized that the American people want a quick fix, but they need HOPE and the willingness to sacrifice. Obama brings the ability to make change and inspire people to change as well… and I believe that is exactly what we need. The office of Commander in Chief and Leader of the Free World should rest on the shoulders of an individual that is determined, hard working, passionate, kind, a good speaker, poised, inspirational, and knowledgeable. And though some may disagree I believe with all my heart that Barack Obama possesses these characteristics and that is why I decided to stand up and voice my opinion…. I have hope in us as a people and our leader.
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November 4, 2008

What's better than caramel apples and football?

What is better than warm caramel drizzled over a fresh crisp apple... I am not sure there is anything much sweeter, except watching my husband play football with our nephew, Logan. Logan gets one of the first bites of our yummy treat.
The most enduring part of watching Logan and James play "football" was the passion Logan possessed about wearing helmets-- mind you that Logan's helmet is a "Thomas the train" bike helmet, and James' is his scooter helmet. I didn't have the heart to explain that there is a special helmet for football players. I just sat back and watched them play...
James is going to be such a good dad one day... and
Just taking time to snuggle with my sweetie, which is one of my favorite pass times. James is nice enough to oblige my countless requests-- And trust me they are COUNTLESS!!
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Scooter Time

I finally caved, and we decided to get a scooter. James was so excited he could hardly contain his excitement while he zoomed off on his new toy. Isn't it funny how the boyish enjoyment never really leaves even when men get older. I guess the saying, "the difference between a man and boy is that their toys get more expensive," is TRUE.
I was hesitant to get one since fall is here, and SNOW is just around the corner. But after the fact, I am glad that we decided to make the purchase. James even had the idea to ride it all the way to his parent's house for Sunday dinner. Though the ride was beautiful there are a few things that I didn't look forward to: 1) 60 mph winds on my face 2) driving back after dark 3) the DISTANCE, it took about half an hour to get there. Our new toy will be perfect to go to BYU games next spring and summer... no awful traffic yeah!
No matter how old you are when you grab those handle bars a little smirk stretches across the face. I guess the excitement never really leaves.
Now we just need to figure out a name, Any suggestions? Maybe.... Toby? But let's be honest, I name everything that. Remember our cute little puppy for a day, he got named that as well.
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October already over...

It is crazy how the days, weeks, months, and years fly by when you get older. I am not sure why this happens... maybe it has to do with always being busy and not taking time to SLOW down and enjoy each day. I feel that when you become an adult you begin to wish away the days and weeks until they begin to disappear altogether. So I have been trying to just take time to enjoy priceless moments through the eyes of a child.Some moments we enjoyed together in OCTOBER:
One Sunday, we all (The Utah Pendleton Clan) went over to Carly and Jeff's for Sunday dinner. It was fun and relaxing to spend time with the family. After dinner we spent time trying to get Savannah to laugh and making playdough animals with Logan. Nothing was sweeter than hearing Savannah's new giggles or playing tickle with Logan.
We then decided to experience a scary haunted house with Ben and Ashley. James is so very proud of setting up Ben and Ashley together. I have to admit that they do seem pretty perfect for each other, but that is just our opinions-No pressure. lol. The haunted house was for the most part up to par, especially when James got scared- which I should note only happened once during the entire time. We went to Purple Turtle for shakes afterward and just sat back chatting and laughing together. The cute couple snuggling up while waiting in line to get into the haunted house. Whenever we go out on dates together, it just reiterates how lucky I am to be married to such a sweet man. I am so glad that there are no more awkward first dates, hand holding, or kisses to be had... Only perfected ones that are continually practiced:) Granted there are other "trials" that you experience as a married couple, but I definitely don't miss my "single" days.
NOTICE: The dark short locks of hair. I wanted a change... thus the new hair-do. After wearing this style for about two weeks I have come to the conclusion: I like my exotic blonde wavy LONG hair better. A lesson learned... I just need to remember these feelings when the urge for a change creeps up again.
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