
October 9, 2009

Computer problems...

Our computer has passed away. Actually it can be resuscitated , which is the good news, but it needs a new life (battery). So I guess I ran it in the ground with all the posts I wrote two weeks ago. My apologizes little buddy.
This is why there are no pictures. All of my pics are stored on that computer.
I need to do that CD back up thing, so all won't be lost when she really goes.
Its a scary thing to loose all my data: pictures, memories, papers, etc.
Note taken. Here comes the hours of back-up CDs.
She will be risen soon (thank goodness)...
like my own little Frankenstein.
Happy October.
P.S. I can't believe FALL is already here.
Dear Weather,
PLEASE let me have autumn and enjoy your crisp fall temperature.
I was not a fan of the quick cold front that visited us last week.
Snow is not welcomed yet... in a month or so you can come, and then I will enjoy you as well.

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  1. Katy you are such a clever writer. Add my name to the weather letter! Today was such a lovely day. James did such a nice job with the blessing. Thank you so much for including us! Bunches of love!

  2. Will you send a letter out for me too! We have had 4 days of non stop flurries and 25 degree temp. plus we got over 12 inches of snow in the past week. Isn't Winter supposed to wait a while! Anyways, I can't wait to see pictures of the blessing. Loved the birth announcement we got!
