
October 14, 2009

A baby blessing.

Avery just wanted to take time to thank everyone that came to her blessing, both those that physically came and those that sent their support through love and prayers.
from my own little chubby cheeks.
Before the blessing we took a few pictures..
Maybe it was the excitement but I don't think we got one decent picture.
Finally, afterwards there was SUCCESS:
Daddy did such a sweet job. It is a special blessing in our family to
have a Priesthood holder like him to lead and provide for our family. Mom cried, of course.
The Grandparents.
Grand-dottie helped prepare some of the food. The onions made her cry.
Everyone brought a dish... therefore we had a gourmet BBQ.
It was perfect. Ryan (RyPie) did the grilling.

Grandma Pendleton made the dress, which was precious. Grandpa cried, too.
The sweet Great-grandparents:
Grandpa and Grandma Smith
Grandma Smith had to approve of the picture mom took of her. I think she looks graceful.
The folks in attendance.
Not Pictured:(Great) Grandpa & Grandma Pendleton, Mark & Kali Christopherson w/Ava, Emily & Adam Townsley, Megan Wilkinson, Tiffany Miley, Gloria Miley & Bill, Amber & Dereck Shumway, Madison Pecht, Garrett & Kelsie Beeston, Landon & Julie, Reed & Adeline.
Thank you for coming, even though most of the time I was doing this.
It was a present for my parents so they could enjoy ALL of ya'll.
Love, Avery Lyn
P.S. I really appreciate the love from my family in Wyoming and Texas that were unable to attend. I feel blessed with so much love!
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  1. miss avery lyn,

    i'm sorry we weren't able to be there on your special day. you looked beautiful in your blessing made of love. i told that crazy cousin katrice to give you an extra kiss from me. i'll see you in a few months and deliver some kisses myself (less slobber that way)!

    all the best beautiful baby,

    cousin marisa

  2. Thank you for all the love you bring to our family Avery Lyn.

    We love u

  3. Love the pictures. It was great to see you guys too!
