
May 14, 2010

Playful lightening storms

I am loving the weather here. It has so many characteristic of my hometown, Dallas Texas.
Tonight was a really bad lighting storm and the lights when out TWICE
while I was making dinner.
It was scary but exciting at the same time.
And then James came home and the storm subsided.
Avery still is trying to settle into her new environment.
She takes her naps like usual, but they have been shortened.
Also, instead of two during the day she squeezes in three.
At first I was kinda annoyed to be honest.
I know that might sound bad, but as soon as I would put her down to do a few things-
thinking I would have about a hour left she would wake up.
Then I realized the reason: DADDY
Her naps now only last 45 mins to an hour and she takes one in the morning, late afternoon, and around eight. I know, I know. Eight usually is a baby's bedtime. Not for Avery though. She takes a rest so she can be up to play with daddy for a little bit before "real" bedtime. It is so fun to see how excited she gets when he walks in the door.

James tickling Lil miss

PS- Lil miss isn't the only one happy to see Mr. Pendleton. I usually try to wait a few minutes before cuddling up to him- I know he likes to take time to catch up on sports and news and stuff. We are so grateful for all of his hard work and love.

Have a fun weekend!
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1 comment:

  1. so sweet that she waits til daddy comes home to go to bed! she is cute!!
