
May 21, 2010

Chesterfield Berry Farm.

Today was wonderful and the weekend is looking bleak, as far as the weather.
We had to get out and enjoy some sunshine before clouds moved in and rain took control.
While sitting in a Walmart parking lot waiting for Mr Pendleton to exchange his pull-up bar,
I found a coupon for a cute place where you could pick your own strawberries.
I absolutely loved the idea- picking a veggie/fruit right off the stem. I even asked during our bridal/tool bash at Raylynn and Dalene's if I could pick some veggies from their garden. I was delighted. I want a garden. Not a huge-take all day to maintain type- but one big enough to fill the need to perform such simple task as harvesting. One day. For now, I had this Berry Farm.
Lil Miss devoured the strawberries. She would have eaten a whole row if I hadn't stopped her. She had red juice everywhere and those sticky tiny fingers kept reaching for more. Let's just say she loved it.
Usually lil miss is not a fan of grass, but she dealt with it.
She wanted to get her hands on those red gooey delights.
{Mommy and Lil miss on the trip back}
She had everyone on the hayride smiling at her face.
Pure contentment.
The lil strawberry monster expressed her dismay when we
left the fields to enjoy other parts of the farm.
She giggled at the bunnies when they came up to the fence sniffing for food. Their little furry noses tickled her hand. The strawberries were soon forgotten. Every now and then Lil miss would spot a red smashed particle on the ground and off she went.
It was kinda gross.
But man, did she love them.
The last part of the journey after seeing the pigs, turkey (yuck), sheep, bunnies,
and goats we headed to the barrel train.
She stood up the entire time in our train cart. If she can stand, she will, and does.
One of my favorite pictures of the day, was on the John Deere tractor.
She was making her "oh" face and sat on the tractor all by herself.
**Don't worry I had Dani standing by in case she began to slip while I snapped as many shots as I could take.
It was a fun day.
Thanks for an afternoon of enjoyment, Chesterfield Berry farm.
We will be back. Hopefully there will still be some strawberries left to pick.
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