
May 24, 2010


This past week I have been thinking (secretly) a lot about families.
Maybe its because I get to spend so much time with little miss Avery.
I feel so much desire and obligation to teach and exemplify the knowledge and truth I know.
This sunday, our church lessons hit the spot. I love when this happens.
It seems to happen to me a lot... I call it prayers being answered.
Sunday school lesson: Eternal Families.
I know the truths shared in these messages are set forth to guide us and provide light in this world. I am so grateful for the continual revelation and guidance received personally and through our inspired leaders.
I have been asked this question a few times in the recent months.
"Why are you the way you are... how did you turn out the way you did?"

If you don't know some of my story (childhood/adolescence) I will summarize:
I came from a single parent home that was headed by a hardworking mother. She tried her best in raising two young girls and teach us valuable lessons such as charity, forgiveness, hard work, love, understanding, service, love of learning, and many more characteristics that a young child needs. She had lots of help from our extended family and friends. And in the end of this terribly difficult task, two beautiful young ladies emerged. The parts that I decided not to elaborate on were the long nights of financial worry, the painful experiences with dad-like figures, abuse, the struggle with depression, alcohol, and drugs, and the feeling of guilt. So if you were shown a glimpse of just some experiences that my childhood held: I would be classified as a latchkey child that probably wouldn't have success at healthy relationships and happiness.

This is far from the truth.
I have a loving husband, beautiful daughter, and tons of extended family
that provide so much love and daily examples of charity.
So why am I the way I am? I know of my divine role, that I have a Father in Heaven that loves and watches over me, and a brother, Jesus Christ, that died for my sins. That He felt the pains and suffering of all the world on His shoulders and carried it so that we may be perfected and whole. I have vivid memories as a 12 year old girl kneeling in my closet when I felt the world around me in chaos pleading for peace. And it came, every time. When I felt that there was no one in my life I could really connect to and understand my thoughts and heart, I knew my Heavenly Father did and does. We are divine. It is this understanding and knowledge that has helped me to rewrite my story. I was able to marry in the temple to a wonderful man who upholds and honors his Priesthood. Granted we are not perfect, but we know that we have chosen one another for eternity, and that warms the soul. I have the opportunity to experience Motherhood and remember the sacred obligations that come with such role.

Though, I was unable to experience having Priesthood worthy men in my childhood, I am now surrounded by them. The kindness, light, and wisdom shared by my father-in-law and Grandpa Smith are true examples of Christ.

{Grandpa Smith and Avery}
As I type this, Grandpa Smith is in the process of having brain surgery.
Our prayers are with him.
The Gospel in my life makes all the difference.
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  1. Katy, that was Beautiful! I feel as if I know you somehow through your beautiful writing and am grateful James has such a wonderful wife :) I loved seeing the picture of Grandpa Smith with Avery. He is and continues to be the perfect example of what a father and grandfather should be. Thank you for posting this.

  2. That was so great Katy. It is so true. Our lesson on Sunday was on parenting and everybody gave amazing examples of their parents and then a girl spoke up about how important it is to be that great influence because she didn't have that growing up. She was in our RS that day because she probably did some of that praying in her closet. So nice to know we have somewhere to turn.

  3. Katy,

    How can I love you more than I already do? Well after reading your words my heart is ready to explode. Thank you for sharing such a wonderful testimony. I can't wait to throw my arms around all of you and let you know how much you mean to me.

  4. All I can say Katy is that I love you and I am so glad that you are now my niece, and that James is my nephew, and of course I am Avery's aunt. I am so proud of you. Your words and testimony warms my soul.

  5. Katy,
    I echo Melissa's words, that was beautiful! Thank you for sharing some insights into your testimony!!
    Hope you guys are having fun with Dad!
