
May 17, 2010

One day weekends

Most people complain that their weekend is WAY too short.
Well, try having only a ONE day weekend.
Yep... that's right.
For James, he has Sunday.
Lil miss and I started ours on Saturday morning like most people.
Here are some highlights:

The weekend starts off with Avery downing a WHOLE banana by herself.
She loved it. She even knew the difference between the peel and actual edible part.

Next, we took a trip to Costco with Kali and Ava.
It was great, they have double seated carts.
It was crazy to go to Costco on a Saturday so many people.
But the samples were yummy- even lil miss enjoyed some yogurt and crackers.

{Ava and Avery at Costco}
They both looked darling. People kept stopping to comment on the two little ones.
Avery definitely knows how to work a crowd already. We might be in trouble.

{It was a little scary. If it wasn't in the middle of the day I would have double checked the doors.}
Then, we headed downtown Virginia to a Riverbottom festival.
There was a really large crowd so we decided we were happy with just a drive by and
proceeded on a detour to 7-11 to get slurpees.

**That's when I received a text from my sister-in-law {Ashley}
and good friend {Amanda} that they are getting married in August.
Yay. I Love weddings and all the festivities. Congrats to y'all.

{brushing time}
Last, finished the night with helping Lil miss brush her teeth.
And that's when Mr. Pendleton came home.

We went to Church {visitors welcomed}.
The Sunday school lesson was on remembrance.
James wanted to debate the teacher...
Her question: what is the most important word in these scripture verses?
James' answer: Christ. "The" answer: Remember.
He would definitely have a valid point.
When we drove home Lil miss fell asleep, typical.

{Can you find what is wrong in one of the above pictures? Answer below}
We enjoyed a Sunday stroll and photo shoot before our drive.

It is usually Mr.Pendleton and Avery horsing around.
This time I was the catalyst to lil miss' giggles. Nothing beats that.
Last our friends (Jon/Dani and Mark/Kali) came over to play games.
What's Sunday without a few card games.

**Answer: Did you happen to spot the adorable luggage?

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  1. I'm totally going to steal those pictures of Ava and Avery! They are sooo cute! I so noticed the luggage in the bottom of the stroller too!

  2. Thanks for keeping us updated! I love to hear how you all are! Avery and Olivia are going to have such a great time in August!!

  3. I can't believe how big Avery is looking just since the last time I saw her! Looks like you guys are having a fun time in Virginia. :)
