
July 25, 2008

VACA life...

We have RELOCATED. We have left Indy in the dust and have traveled over to greener pastures (atleast for James' selling). We have moved to SPRINGFIELD, IL. What does the greener side feel like?
  1. James gets about 2 sells a day compared to his Indy record of two a week. Thanks babe for your hard work!
  2. I get to sit back and do nothing.
  3. A day full of laying around sunbathing, sleeping etc.
  4. James gets off an hour earlier since we are in a different time zone... yay for dusk coming sooner.
  5. We don't have to pick up after ourselves...
  6. Can you say "ROOM SERVICE"
  7. James doesn't work that far so he can just pop up throughout the day when he wants to say hello... LOVE that.
  8. Stay in a really nice Hotel.
  9. Eating out every meal... Not good for the waistline AT ALL... hmmm wedding coming up... not good:(
  10. The INDY OFFICE is doing much better... YAY Sells REPS!

These are just a few new journeys for us. We are loving life together and are so excited of upcoming events. We will keep y'all posted.

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July 20, 2008

BOYS will be BOYS

Like I commented before, I am learning a lot about the male gender since I grew up in a strong estrogen based family. I knew boys liked to be physically active, but some of their ideas of fun seem a little barbaric.
What kinds of entertainment do boys seek?
Not too bad... a little competition can't hurt, right?

Or Maybe some BOXING:
There were multiple matches some ended in bloody noses and other ones were completely mismatched. James vs Jon was one of the more entertaining matches of the night with Jon putting his whole body into the punch... lol. I was just glad James wasn't the one to bleed, yet I am not looking forward to their new weekly "tradition".
I guess they just like to hit things let it be balls with tennis rackets or each other.
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July 18, 2008

MOVIE Knight...

Ok, so last night Vision treated their REPS to a movie, The Dark Knight, which means I got to go as well:). It was a really good movie even though it was a little morbid and dark, hence the title "The Dark Knight". I think we both just really enjoyed the time to relax and kick back. The movie theater was PACKED with tons and tons of high schoolers eager to watch the midnight showing, and there we were in the middle of the madness. James was getting flustered since he was in charge of getting the tickets and distributing them to the ten guys. So during the chaos of trying to find everyone and multiple calls, Logan (one of the sales reps) decides to grab James hand as a joke. Yet the funniest part was James didn't even Just to explain the circumstances better Logan's hand compared to mine is twice as big, both length and girth! Everyone cracked up laughing... even I couldn't hold back the chuckles. My dear James is so cute...
Well to get back to the movie.. it was great and very intense. The only down side is that it was extremely long. I wasn't expecting a 2 1/2 movie. It was a wonderful date night:)
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July 13, 2008


Ok, So I know that James talked about the batting cages, but I wanted to comment on the day. To my surprise, James came home at 5:00 on a SATURDAY (which is pretty much unheard of especially on Saturdays), and he gave me the great news that we get to spend the rest of the night together. YAY!! I love James time... So the night starts off:
1)James, me , and JD go to the batting cage/golf place... as we are waiting for the rest of the Reps to arrive, I persuade James and JD to participate in photo shoot with a John Deer tractor.
Nothing sexier than a man on a tractor:) well I am sure there is, but James looked pretty Hot!2)We head off to the batting Cages and the littlest old lady that reminded us of the old lady on the Wedding Singer, helped us to get the clubs and balls.

James' baseball face was classic... He was really concentrating on hitting the ball:) 3)After the batting cages we head over to the golf putting range and as soon as the whole office arrives... all SIX guys, it begins to rain. Everyone runs inside, while I linger for a little while enjoying the drops of water and strong wind. 4)we then decided to go home get showered and clean, so we can all go out to eat and watch a movie. It was such a fun and laid back night... and I really cherish the times me and James can just play together as though we are little kids again:)

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Batting Cages

One of my favorite things to do as a little kid was going to the batting cages and I guess the little kid is still in me cause I still love the batting cages. Here is how my week has gone at the end of the day. My friend Jon and I have this conversation about everynight. Jon: "Batting Cages?" James: "What about the ladies?" Jon: "They won't ever know." James: "very true" Jon: "Just two rounds" James: "Ok". So needless to say jon and I have gone to the batting cages quite a few times this week and the best part about it is that its only 50 cents a time. Then the office decided to go to spend some of our incentive money. So we had a blast at the batting cages as well as hitting some golf balls along with it. The best part about it was Katy trying so hard for me. She got to come with the office on saturday night.
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July 10, 2008

A few things on my mind:

  • HOUSING- didn't realize it was so hard to find a cheap (less than $600, 1 Br.) available apartment in Orem near the freeway. I guess I am asking too much?!?!
  • Invitations- I designed one myself, but am not totally satisfied with it...
  • WORK- It seems like as soon as I get to where I need to be, I am already behind.
  • MONEY- I haven't received any monetary payments for my work efforts, therefore my bank account is pretty much none existent. It is driving me crazy not having an income.
  • WEDDING DETAILS- this list can go on for a while: (small things that James seems to not care about while I find reasons to obsess over them)
  • the party favors- CD's of some of our favorite love songs with picture of us
  • bridal party gifts and gifts for my girls, gotta show the love to friends
  • the lanterns that I have already ordered once but found cheaper somewhere else
  • making sure to collect all of the addresses of family and friends and plus some
  • find time to address them (aleast type them on the address sticky paper)
  • REGISTRY: who knew it was so hard to figure out what kind of dishes you want
  • trying to visualize "what I want our wedding to look like" so I can tell others
  • I am trying to make matching earrings and little bags for friends and bridesmaids
  • figure out what to give the groomsmen for a gift
  • Hoping that the dress lady really understands what I want the dress to look like
  • Hoping the dress fits well... speaking of probably should stick to my diet
  • Hoping that all the guests flying in can find places to stay
  • probably need to call the reception place and make sure everything is still good
  • wondering if anyone will even show up(I know this is ridiculous, but still a thought)
  • do the colors go well together? will it look right?
  • Will I find a photographer that can take the temple pictures for free basically?
  • ANd thats just to name a few.... for TODAY
  • Tanning- I would like a nice base tan for the wedding... but don't have too much time to lay out:(.
  • MEET with BISHOP- OK so the whole temple recommend thing... I need to meet with the BISHOP out here so he actually knows who I am before I walk into his office for my recommend. I am pretty sure they don't hand recommends out to strangers.
  • Missing PEOPLE and communication with others... I seem to always be stuck inside
  • TEMPLE: wow probably should read some books to prepare myself to get my endowments out.
  • Gotta get Temple Dress/clothes/garments
  • Have no idea about our finances... kinda nerve wrecking that I don't know where we will be financially when we get married.
  • BIRTH CONTROL- scared as heck of getting a blood clot or stroke, etc all the warnings that they list, are they really serious?
  • NOT taking BIRTH CONTROL- not biggest fan of the the idea of a HONEYMOON baby
  • Learning that MEN and WOMEN really do communicate definitely... need a little more time to adjust
  • Getting our passports
  • His RING
  • ONE thought that stays constantly on my mind is JAMES.... what can I do for him today?
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July 9, 2008

The Final FOUR... (I think?!?!)

OK, so I provided about 20 choices last time which probably wasn't the best idea. There were quit a few people who choose the same one, but I just wanted to provide a more narrow selection. I have cropped some due to the response I received from my sister (thanks, Geneve), and hope that you find one you like the best (Note: you can only vote for Anyways thanks for being such good sports and helping out with this decision!
Alittle PEEK into the minds of the bride and groom:
James: "It is just a picture," and then follows the statement with "whatever you want, I just want you."
Katy: "It is the very picture that announces our lifetime together." There was exaggeration on that last statement, but also a little truth to it as well:)
Remember to place your votes in the poll on the right so we can keep this anonymous (I have a "people pleaser" complex, so I am trying to get out as many biases as possible that will skew the final decision). Wow, have I become one of those bridzillas?!? I just wanted to add a little humor to this post- notice picture in the top left corner- James thought this would be a great shot for our engagements... It was a little more weight than I was expecting.
Picture #1
Picture #2Picture #3Picture #4Well there you have it! And after I make this decision... I will begin to tackle the lanterns and wedding favors. Everyone likes music... right? More creations to come, stay tune!
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July 7, 2008

One Sunday Afternoon

Yes I know... two post in one night, conclusion: I have way too much time on my hands. The truth is that is the complete opposite. It is about four o'clock right now in Indiana and I can't sleep. Sometimes, I go through these phases were sleep seems to be put on the back burner, and I have so many things on my mind, I couldn't even lay down if I wanted to. Thank goodness for Today, I really enjoyed church because of it's ability to enable me to feel the spirit, which I take for granted sometimes. I also was able to hear James bare his testimony (which was a first for me) in sacrament. It was one of the sweetest most sincere declarations of truth and love. I am so lucky for my fiance to have a strong understanding of the Gospel and a desire to do his best. I am grateful for his example to me. I find myself daily trying to meet my own potential, because he deserves nothing less.
After church we tried to catch up on some belated 4th BBQ traditions. Well as you know, me and James like to spend as much time as we can together on Sunday so we had a BBQ with our friends Dani & Jon. It was so very yummy. Thanks to the cook, my sweetheart! He slaved over the hot grill PLUS the humidity... I am surprise he didn't suffer a heat stroke. After we stuffed ourselves with hamburgers, hot dogs, ribs, fruit salad, and chips, we went inside to play some card games since the humidity was killing us ALL. We enjoyed the rest of the night with our friends Terry, Megan, Gerrad, Megan (other one), Jon, and Dani. It wasn't our night though. Usually we ALWAYS (which is no exaggeration) win, but for some reason we couldn't get it together. We can usually wipe out our opponents in the following games: Nert's, cranium, Disney scene-it, hand and foot, and James is pretty good at Golf (I usually cheat because it frustrates me so I guess there is always next time... But I am not a very good Loser:(
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Engagement Pictures

I hope you guys enjoy, and please tell me which picture of US you like the best. It will be hard for me to decide on my own. This wasn't an easy task sense I just wanted to have fun and take a couple hundred pictures, while James on the other hand hates taking pictures. His plan was to be serious and just get the job done... We had an interesting difference of opinions, but in the end, I think we were both very pleased. Thanks to Dani-Jon for their patience and WONDERFUL work.
Note: They are all in SEPIA because that is how we plan on printing which ever picture is chosen... therefore, cast your votes and help us decide!
Isn't my fiance so very handsome. As you can tell, in a lot of the pictures I can't help but stare at When we were knocking doors together he got mad at me because he said I wasn't acting professional. Sorry babe, but I can't help it... Can you really blame me though. That was the last time I knocked with him. I guess it doesn't look professional, when one of the sales reps just stands and stares at the other one while he is talking:) Love you babe!

Well there you have it! A few pictures of us, and now it is your turn to help us out by telling us which one you would like to see in the wedding invite. And if you aren't satisfied with those, I am willing to take more.... I just don't know if James or Dani/Jon are as willing as I am... Thanks!
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July 5, 2008

Fireworks + Ice Cream = TRUE LOVE

So It has been a while since we last updated... What a great time to update- during one of our favorite holidays-
The 4th of July (one of the many small details that we shared on our first date). We both love this holiday for the celebration of our nation's freedom, summer time, BBQ, friends and family, fireworks, and the opportunity to blow a few things up ourselves... What a Great Country! Before we go into the decision about our holiday festivities, I want to pose a question.
How far would you walk to get something for your loved one?
Maybe across the room, to the kitchen, up the stairs, or if you were feeling generous outside to the car if they REALLY wanted it... Right? During our holiday celebration my sweetheart taught me another definition of LOVE.

LOVE: noun 1) a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person 2) a person toward whom love is felt; beloved person; sweetheart. verb 1) to have a profoundly tender, passionate affection for (another person) 2) to embrace and kiss (someone) 3) to walk 10 blocks in search of ice cream, when your loved one mentions she is having a craving for Diary Queen ice cream.

APPLICATION: Love is when James decided to walk ten blocks to get me Frozen Yogurt from Diary Queen, even though there was a ice cream vendor just around the corner. I know this sounds snooty on my part, but the REAL truth is that I didn't even ask him to. I didn't even realize he was going until after he texted Google to find the nearest one and he told me he would be back in twenty mins. I even offered to go with him, but he declined- his reasoning "You will slow me down, I will be right back" afraid it would take twice as long. So off he went, yet it ended up taking twice as long myabe even longer. The story goes like this: James reaches where McDonald's SHOULD be, and it's not there (note: McDonald's is INSIDE the mall). Begins to pace up and down the street trying to see if it is farther down or if he missed it. Scary big man approaches him asking if he could help... James tells him he is in search of ice cream for his fiance. Man tells him to follow him (Note: Scary BIG man shares on the way to get the ice cream that he just got out of prison a week ago and shows James his released date card that he carries around), so needless to say James holds on to the back of his pocket to make sure the guy doesn't steal his wallet. Finally, they reach the ice cream store, and James buys the guy an ice cream for helping him! To end the story, James comes running up to the canal, where Dani, Jon, and I are sitting waiting for his return and begins to tells us the colorful story while a little sweat drips from his brow (He ran back because he wanted to get back before the ice cream melted).

James is a little pooped by the time he gets back, so I offered to rub his feet. He declined as usual due to the fact he is extremely ticklish there. Thank you sweetheart! That ice cream was by far the sweetest I have ever tasted!

Therefore, I ask you again- How far would you walk to get something for your loved one? I am one lucky lady!

NOW: It's firework time!
OUr Firework CEleBraTioN
I failed to mention that we weren't able to get any pictures of the fireworks show that we watched due to the fact that there was a HUGE building in the way... But it was an One America building with a American Flag across it, so I couldn't complain too much:).

James playing with the bottle rockets to see how far it shoots across gravel.

Dani's Jacket is the only casualty of the night. When playing with bottle rockets be VERY carefully when you decide to let them go off in your hand and not a bottle.
My dear James.... was having a blast playing with all the fireworks that he had bought throughout the week. It seemed every time he came back from selling he also brought with him another bunch of fireworks to save for the Fourth. It was fun just watching him...

ANd there you have it... a whole lot of LOVE and a little bit of fire for one memorable Fourth of July celebration.

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