
May 31, 2010

Memorial day. Baseball

We spent our memorial day basking in the sun.

A little bit of the American sport (baseball) is always fun as well.
Nothing says summer like Baseball.
I particularly love the Dippin Dots part of the game.
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May 29, 2010

Friday makeup. shopping. water.

The pool is open.
We need to get little miss a hat to protect those chubby cheeks from the sun.
Miss Avery is growing so much and most of her clothes are too small.
We went to Old Navy and they are having a sale on their clearance items.
It was awesome getting playful smocks for little miss at 75% off.
{two shirts, pair of white capris, three summer dresses (two with ruffles), and one goodnight moon book totally $25.66}

Enjoy your weekend! We are playing in the sun.
Grandpa P is coming to visit.
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May 27, 2010


It was a beautiful day.
So as an office, we played kickball.
I would have played but I am out of contacts.
Glasses+ball potentially flying at the face= no good.
So I enjoyed the sidelines with the wives and little ones.
They have been performing well as an office so Manager Marky ordered pizza.
I never knew it would be difficult to convince papa john's to deliver to a field.
They were concerned with the diver's safety. I understand maybe at midnight but noon, really?
Overall the boys are holding their own, and Virginia will probably be one if not the top selling office.
We are so proud of Mr. Pendleton's hard work.
This office is A LOT less drama, which we love.
One of the sales reps wrote this on a beam in the pavilion.
It will be easy to figure out who wrote it. Oh well.
Here's a close up of Miss Avery.
This is for those that are a few hundred miles away.
We miss you. Love Pendletons.

{{POST edit: I forgot to mention the "experience" I had yesterday driving. So our car is a five-speed/manual. Meaning: I don't know how to drive it. But Mr. Pendleton had so much confidence in me- he has been riding with me twice to practice- and said I would be perfectly fine driving on busy streets and hwy. So I decided to take Mr. Sentra to TJ Maxx, which is about 10 miles away across the main freeway and entirely on busy streets.
Result: Five car stalls, loud grinding noises, and a bad smell later, I called Dani to come save us and left Mr. Sentra in a parking lot. I probably made it about 2 miles. It seems as though I am a PRO at 1st and 2nd gears, but still need some coaching through 3rd and 4th. Avery slept through the whole ordeal.}}
**It will probably take me a few weeks to get back on that particular horse again.
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May 26, 2010

A day

Sometimes I sit back at the end of the day, and ask myself what have I accomplished today.
So here is a few of our accomplishments:
breakfast {how about some handpicked strawberries}
play with a few toys and read through some books
take a nap
Eat some lunch... how about some yogurt or fruit
go on a walk to take out the trash
run a few errands or go to the park
take a nap
wake up to help mommy fix dinner
daddy comes up {daddy=playtime}
bath time
nightly bottle then bed
{Dad finds creative ways to play with Avery... such as train with an empty box}
The beauty of it all...
I get to see it through the eyes of my child.
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May 25, 2010

{9} Stats

Here are some stats of Lil miss at 9 months:
She keeps us on our toes and it couldn't make us happier.
She loves her.... sleep and bath time.
Says... dada and mumm.
Her favorite food... fresh strawberries, bananas, and go-gurt (thanks aunt Amy for the idea).
She takes two walks a day with mommy.... one in the afternoon and other at dusk.
She prefers... standing to sitting.
She rather... jabber than stare.
She loves to flip through... books.
She smiles at strangers.
{They all love it too!}
She is our pride and joy.
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May 24, 2010


This past week I have been thinking (secretly) a lot about families.
Maybe its because I get to spend so much time with little miss Avery.
I feel so much desire and obligation to teach and exemplify the knowledge and truth I know.
This sunday, our church lessons hit the spot. I love when this happens.
It seems to happen to me a lot... I call it prayers being answered.
Sunday school lesson: Eternal Families.
I know the truths shared in these messages are set forth to guide us and provide light in this world. I am so grateful for the continual revelation and guidance received personally and through our inspired leaders.
I have been asked this question a few times in the recent months.
"Why are you the way you are... how did you turn out the way you did?"

If you don't know some of my story (childhood/adolescence) I will summarize:
I came from a single parent home that was headed by a hardworking mother. She tried her best in raising two young girls and teach us valuable lessons such as charity, forgiveness, hard work, love, understanding, service, love of learning, and many more characteristics that a young child needs. She had lots of help from our extended family and friends. And in the end of this terribly difficult task, two beautiful young ladies emerged. The parts that I decided not to elaborate on were the long nights of financial worry, the painful experiences with dad-like figures, abuse, the struggle with depression, alcohol, and drugs, and the feeling of guilt. So if you were shown a glimpse of just some experiences that my childhood held: I would be classified as a latchkey child that probably wouldn't have success at healthy relationships and happiness.

This is far from the truth.
I have a loving husband, beautiful daughter, and tons of extended family
that provide so much love and daily examples of charity.
So why am I the way I am? I know of my divine role, that I have a Father in Heaven that loves and watches over me, and a brother, Jesus Christ, that died for my sins. That He felt the pains and suffering of all the world on His shoulders and carried it so that we may be perfected and whole. I have vivid memories as a 12 year old girl kneeling in my closet when I felt the world around me in chaos pleading for peace. And it came, every time. When I felt that there was no one in my life I could really connect to and understand my thoughts and heart, I knew my Heavenly Father did and does. We are divine. It is this understanding and knowledge that has helped me to rewrite my story. I was able to marry in the temple to a wonderful man who upholds and honors his Priesthood. Granted we are not perfect, but we know that we have chosen one another for eternity, and that warms the soul. I have the opportunity to experience Motherhood and remember the sacred obligations that come with such role.

Though, I was unable to experience having Priesthood worthy men in my childhood, I am now surrounded by them. The kindness, light, and wisdom shared by my father-in-law and Grandpa Smith are true examples of Christ.

{Grandpa Smith and Avery}
As I type this, Grandpa Smith is in the process of having brain surgery.
Our prayers are with him.
The Gospel in my life makes all the difference.
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May 21, 2010

Chesterfield Berry Farm.

Today was wonderful and the weekend is looking bleak, as far as the weather.
We had to get out and enjoy some sunshine before clouds moved in and rain took control.
While sitting in a Walmart parking lot waiting for Mr Pendleton to exchange his pull-up bar,
I found a coupon for a cute place where you could pick your own strawberries.
I absolutely loved the idea- picking a veggie/fruit right off the stem. I even asked during our bridal/tool bash at Raylynn and Dalene's if I could pick some veggies from their garden. I was delighted. I want a garden. Not a huge-take all day to maintain type- but one big enough to fill the need to perform such simple task as harvesting. One day. For now, I had this Berry Farm.
Lil Miss devoured the strawberries. She would have eaten a whole row if I hadn't stopped her. She had red juice everywhere and those sticky tiny fingers kept reaching for more. Let's just say she loved it.
Usually lil miss is not a fan of grass, but she dealt with it.
She wanted to get her hands on those red gooey delights.
{Mommy and Lil miss on the trip back}
She had everyone on the hayride smiling at her face.
Pure contentment.
The lil strawberry monster expressed her dismay when we
left the fields to enjoy other parts of the farm.
She giggled at the bunnies when they came up to the fence sniffing for food. Their little furry noses tickled her hand. The strawberries were soon forgotten. Every now and then Lil miss would spot a red smashed particle on the ground and off she went.
It was kinda gross.
But man, did she love them.
The last part of the journey after seeing the pigs, turkey (yuck), sheep, bunnies,
and goats we headed to the barrel train.
She stood up the entire time in our train cart. If she can stand, she will, and does.
One of my favorite pictures of the day, was on the John Deere tractor.
She was making her "oh" face and sat on the tractor all by herself.
**Don't worry I had Dani standing by in case she began to slip while I snapped as many shots as I could take.
It was a fun day.
Thanks for an afternoon of enjoyment, Chesterfield Berry farm.
We will be back. Hopefully there will still be some strawberries left to pick.
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May 20, 2010

The things we love.

{Avery loves the outdoors... hopefully we get sunny skies very soon}
It is always amusing to see what grabs Avery's attention.
Her favorite "toys" range from playing cards to iphones.
Yes, I know we give our little one face cards to chew on.
You should see the looks that we receive during church.
What can I say? She takes after her mom and dad with a love for card games.
{Yes, You are correct. Lil Miss is playing with the nose thing.}
Somethings you just can't explain or even understand yourself.
This might be one.
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