
March 30, 2010

lost and found

How many of you thought you had lost something FOREVER?
Then one day, it magically appears...
I lost my point and shoot canon camera last christmas (Dec 08).
The saddest part was that ALL our honeymoon pics were on the SD card. Sad hun?

Well here are some pictures resurrected from the camera.
I found the little bugger hidden away in the pocket of a red coat that has found a new home at DI.
Good thing I checked the lump in the right pocket before sending the load away.
As you can tell I hadn't worn the jacket for a long time.

Some of my favorite pics:
{Our date at Spaghetti Warehouse}

{Our Mexican Honeymoon}

{Golfing as Newly weds}

Now I just have to find the charger... I might have already given that away too. Oops...
How much can a new one run anyway? Because I love love this small point and shoot (Canon Powershot SD1000) and replacing the charger is definitely worth it. Best pictures EVER.
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March 29, 2010

Purple Cousins

Next best thing to siblings are COUSINS.
Since, little miss will have to wait a while for siblings...
there is nothing better than little tikes to play with.
Miss Liv (Olivia) is only 10 weeks older and they will sure have lots of fun together.
Right now, the milestones are so spaced that Liv was wanting to play and Little Miss Avery just wanted to observe. Little Miss sure does enjoy watching her cousins though.
They make her giggle and smile with joy.
The "real" pictures that Carly took with her camera,
which I can't wait to see!
I just love capturing the "process".
I knew it would be a hoot with 7 grandchildren- eight years old and younger.
Avery did a wonderful job, and I think we got some pretty good pictures.
Little Miss definitely did NOT like the grass though.
She doesn't know what to make of it yet.
Miss Liv felt the same way until she realized that if she wanted to get to her cousin, Miss Avery she would have to crawl on it and conquer her fears. So she did.

**REAL pictures coming soon!
Grandma Pendleton did an amazing job making all the dresses and skirts to match.
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March 26, 2010


Mr. Pendleton insists that Avery's first word was "dada".
I would agree that she has said "dadadada".
She uttered this word while looking at Him,
but she has also vocalized the same "word"
while staring at a book, doll, ME, her grandma etc.
You get the picture.
So no "actual" words yet,
though her dada would like to think otherwise.

Tonight during dinner with the Smith clan (birthday celebration for both Julie and Chelsey) at Brick Oven, we enjoyed the company of many relatives. Little miss is so cute when her cousins are around. She thinks she is as big as their are. She holds on conversations and gets much wanted attention.

It was an enjoyable evening. Mr. Pendleton, of course, had to end then night with political talk. I guess he is trying on his new hat as county delegate. It was a nice surprise to find out other family members were voted as Precinct Chair- Dalene and Vice Chair- Jeff. I guess I won't be able to escape the political jargon. Who am I kidding... Mr. Pendleton wouldn't let me anyways. The future appears hopeful, now.

PS I enjoy blogging again on a regular basis.
I went to work (Steven-Henager College) to pick up some material
and lets just say little miss Avery already knows how to work a crowd.

PPS I love how kind and thoughtful James is.... never hesitates to lend a helping hand. I need to learn from his example. The past couple of weeks he has helped our friends the Christopherson's paint and also move into their new home. I was on lunch and baby duty.

Enjoy your weekend.
The Katschke peeps are in town so we plan to do just that.
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March 25, 2010

Marriage defined...

  1. talking about your day with one another- the good and bad.
  2. being able to snuggle next to Mr. Pendleton while he watches TV.
  3. Yes I know... March madness is going on (Good game- Kansas St. vs Xavier), and I have the nerve to "make" him take pictures with me. Yep, he didn't participate voluntarily.
  4. Laughing with him while Facebook stalking old girlfriends.
  5. Finally, reframing from leaving the room when he farts.
{object of my affection}
I had to deny his "advances" while making this post- between timeouts of course.
He was only joking, i think...
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March 24, 2010

Simple Living

Mr. Pendleton and I joked about an article that came out in the March 2010 Ensign, Digital detachment & personal revelation. I made the comment that he always seems to be either watching ESPN or fox news while performing some task on his iphone. We even seem to manage playing games with one another with absolutely no conversation. You ask how? Our iphones enable us to do so. So two weeks ago Mr. Pendleton told me that I could not use this article for our FHE lesson. So I didn't.

Sunday our home teachers stopped by. The lesson shared: Digital detachment & personal revelation. I laughed. I know it was rude, and the home teacher was a little taken back. I explained the chuckle though. I guess when you need to hear something, there are multiple avenues that can be used. The truth is I needed to hear it just as much as Mr. Pendleton.

So today I had my ipod blaring in the background while reading. It dawned on me, so off went the music. I spent the afternoon listening to Avery's babbling and cooing. Though there was some whining here and there, it was peaceful. I can't say that I was hit with a big revelation this particular afternoon. I just spent the late afternoon appreciating my little girl and enjoying a good book. The book, The Complete Idiot's guide to Simple Living. I know weird choice for an afternoon read, but ever since I became a stay-at-home I am intrigued with finding ways to better my family's quality of life. I am completely enjoying this new journey I have placed on myself and hope to fulfill my goals.

{Little Miss enjoying her "friend" in the mirror. She was even giving kisses.}

It's interesting how as your grow older you get accustomed to more- distraction (noise).
As a baby, lots of noise usually frightens you,
such as today when our friend mark was using a electric sander Avery began to cry.
She would tightly grip me whenever it was turned on.
And then when you reach the elderly stage,
your hearing goes altogether,
and peace seems to return to ones' countenance.
Just a thought.

{Avery wanted her friend's pacifier... little did she know she already had it.}

Man, this little one teaches me profound lessons daily.
Stop wanting what others have.
If you can take time, you might just realize you already have what you want.
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March 23, 2010


I voted for a republican... Mr. Pendleton is one of the newly elected County Delegates for the OR-04 precinct. It makes me smile.

{Mr. Pendleton on the Tea cup ride @Disneyland}

It will be a fun ride for both of us.
He went home and began to read the literature about the candidates.
For the record, Mr. Pendleton doesn't like to read.
This also made me smile.

Now he is watching last night's episode of 24 and I am blogging.
I also intend to read up a little on investing in stock.
It has grabbed my interest in the last few days.

**Activities after the Caucus meeting:
went couponing for the first time with Mr.Pendleton at Maceys.
It felt like a scavenger hunt, which I love.
We will definitely do it again.

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March 22, 2010


Bigger than life. I am sure that is how miss Avery views her dad. He is always there to pick her up when she is upset, sad, or scared.

He is there in the morning when she begins to rustle awake and greet her for the new day.

He is there to give her a bath when her bum needs a little cleaning.

He is there to rock her when she gets restless with lack of sleep.

He is there to make sure she is able to explore the world in a safe environment...

And when she gets a little bigger, I am sure he will eagerly accept any other roles she has in store for him-such as teacher, coach, and most of all role model.

One thing he will definitely make sure to do is to protect her... especially from any unwanted "dates". Oh, I am looking forward to watching their father-daughter relationship grow and develop throughout the years.

Lil munchkin exploring the front yard while Mr.Pendleton cleans the cars.
She didn't know what to think of the grass,
which made her weary to practice crawling.Font size
She was content just watching and exploring what mommy was doing-
which was taking pics of those chubby cheeks.

Another favorite past time for miss Avery, is exploring around our home.
The bathroom seems to draw her attention every time.
I think she just really enjoys bath-time and her ducky.

It's interesting to see the world through the eyes of your child.
Especially, at this age when they aren't even a foot off the ground.
Eye opening. You take notice of the little things easier.
I need to vacuum and clean the floors A LOT better.

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March 19, 2010

The HOME stretch

So it is the last night I am solo in dreamland. Music to my ears.

Tonight I had some girl time with a good friend. It was delightful.
We talked while waiting over a hour for our table at Texas Roadhouse,
mind you we called ahead to be placed on the waiting list and still ended up waiting that long.
We talked some more during our hour and a half dinner, which was also divine.
Believe it our not we still were not done with our visit, so she came over to Grandma Dot's house and we finished our chatting.
Start time: 7:00 pm
End time: 10:45 pm

Yep, we are friends. I love moments like that. Conclusion was that we needed to meet up twice a month not only to just chat and stuff our faces, but to include activities such as crafts, bakery, or other girly interests. So we will. You're invited as well if you need some fun girl time.

Mr. Pendleton misses us so I sent some love his way via iphone.
{Avery was knocked out from the day's hustle and bustle}

PS iphones are AMAZING.
I was kinda tricked into getting the iphone (another story),
but now I want to join their advertising team and be a spokesman.
Let's just say, they didn't offer me the gig.

Enjoy your weekend, I will especially since Mr. Pendleton is back.
He will also be talking on "Service in thy Kingdom".
This suits him to a tee.

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March 18, 2010

A new Record

{The flowers Mr. Pendleton sent me the first time we were away from one another}
I love tulips and he knows that.

I want to find a Niche...
Something that brings creativity and inspiration to my heart.
I heard someone say that you have found "it"
when you loose your self... time fades away and delight enters.

My niche will not be blogging, but I want to keep the streak alive.
It has been three days in a row. Working from home=blogging.
Blogging goal: Monday through Friday.
I expressed last night while having our nightly chat with Mr.Pendleton
that no one really reads this. Makes me sad but true.
But sweet Mr. Pendleton assured me that he does. There you go... It is worth it.
Hopefully one day my children will be followers as well.

It helps me with creativity and thinking outside the box.
I am ready to tap back into my creative juices.
I hear that children help to open the imagination.
Since I have one... I completely agree.

Flowers work as a muse also.
Georgia O'keeffe painted gorgeous flowers.
My tastes have expanded with maturity.
They now include dahlias (our wedding flower) and peonies.
European double-petal roses are a favorite as well.
If you know what these particular buds look like,
you can tell I like the full blooms.

I love the spring time, flowers and all-especially the month of March.
Two years ago, this weekend (21st to be exact)... Mr.Pendleton took me to a baseball game.
Our first date. The chemistry was magical. The rest is history.
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March 17, 2010

Spring WILL sprung

You can pinch her chubby cheeks if you want, but she is wearing green.
Check out those strawberry leaves... I always have to refrain.

It was a very beautiful day, today.
So we had to get out and enjoy it.
Park picnic anyone?
Little miss Avery had another hard day with her runny nose and slight fever.
I think it was from the shots. Hopefully, that's the culprit.

She enjoyed the rays with her polka dotted hat and new sandals.

Earlier in the day, we went to Lap-time at the library.
Very cute and Avery got kicks out of it.
I am afraid she is getting "too clingy" with me...
so I want her to experience others more often.
We enjoyed it.

After the full day of Events...
Little miss enjoyed using the Tylenol bottle as a pacifier.

Little miss sat on my lap because nothing else made her happy.
Grandma Dot even scared her a few times.
I think she was afraid I would give her away.
For the record, that would never happen.

We did get in a session of babble talk. It was fun sweetie. Let's do it again...
Hopefully, this teething thing comes to an end soon.
Tomorrow works for me.
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March 16, 2010

Just sleep it off

So today was hard for our little miss Avery.
She had her 6-month checkup.
The doctor was very pleased with her stats.
Weight: 51%
Height: 49%
Head Circumference: 78%

She is already sleeping through the night so that is good.
She was a little fussy during the appointment due to the fact she was hungry and tired.
Then came the shot(s). Yes... multiple in each thigh.
Poor girl... and the rest of the day was just as hard.
Her nose began to run, a little fever, and just tired.
The only things that made her smile:
Babble time with mommy, (weird) crochet pink bear that daddy gave her,
the dryer, and the camera of course.
Yep, we have a unique little one on our hands.
Me and Mr. Pendleton couldn't be any happier with this one.

So I did what any mother would do,
gave her some Tylenol and put her to bed.
She needed it.
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