
March 24, 2010

Simple Living

Mr. Pendleton and I joked about an article that came out in the March 2010 Ensign, Digital detachment & personal revelation. I made the comment that he always seems to be either watching ESPN or fox news while performing some task on his iphone. We even seem to manage playing games with one another with absolutely no conversation. You ask how? Our iphones enable us to do so. So two weeks ago Mr. Pendleton told me that I could not use this article for our FHE lesson. So I didn't.

Sunday our home teachers stopped by. The lesson shared: Digital detachment & personal revelation. I laughed. I know it was rude, and the home teacher was a little taken back. I explained the chuckle though. I guess when you need to hear something, there are multiple avenues that can be used. The truth is I needed to hear it just as much as Mr. Pendleton.

So today I had my ipod blaring in the background while reading. It dawned on me, so off went the music. I spent the afternoon listening to Avery's babbling and cooing. Though there was some whining here and there, it was peaceful. I can't say that I was hit with a big revelation this particular afternoon. I just spent the late afternoon appreciating my little girl and enjoying a good book. The book, The Complete Idiot's guide to Simple Living. I know weird choice for an afternoon read, but ever since I became a stay-at-home I am intrigued with finding ways to better my family's quality of life. I am completely enjoying this new journey I have placed on myself and hope to fulfill my goals.

{Little Miss enjoying her "friend" in the mirror. She was even giving kisses.}

It's interesting how as your grow older you get accustomed to more- distraction (noise).
As a baby, lots of noise usually frightens you,
such as today when our friend mark was using a electric sander Avery began to cry.
She would tightly grip me whenever it was turned on.
And then when you reach the elderly stage,
your hearing goes altogether,
and peace seems to return to ones' countenance.
Just a thought.

{Avery wanted her friend's pacifier... little did she know she already had it.}

Man, this little one teaches me profound lessons daily.
Stop wanting what others have.
If you can take time, you might just realize you already have what you want.
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1 comment:

  1. Katy you are so profound! You do a wonderful job at blogging. I sure enjoy the read. Thanks ~ love you guys
