
September 21, 2009

Olympic Swimmer.

A few activities seemed to keep us occupied this past weekend. We have an Olympic Medalist in our family. Katrice Miley (my cousin) won the bronze medal in Special Olympics on Saturday morning for her swimming division.

She was so excited to see James and I there, that she almost knocked him over giving him a hug and screamed my name across the water. We were happy to be there and support her.
She is such a doll.
Katrice post-swim.
Baby Avery came to cheer her on as well.
Congrats, Katrice. You Rock!
**Note: This is the girls' THIRD Olympic Medal.
She received two for bowling last year.
*Thanks Tiffanie for the pictures.
I forgot our camera- of course.
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1 comment:

  1. i think i can speak for my entire family when i say thank you for being so supportive! it is almost unhealthy how much that girl loves your husband :).

    2 family outing & a date night, very impressive new mamma!!
