Avery has a hard time really getting into any type of movies, TV, etc.
She will last about 20 mins at the most and be done.
So when she showed interest in Toy story and youtube's version of Disney on Ice,
I hit the jackpot for a fun fill day.
Mr. P wasn't thrilled at the thought of watching oversized toys skate around an ice arena.
So It became the perfect date for me and lil miss. We invited our friends to come along as well.
A Saturday girl outing with entertainment and lunch afterwards.
WARNING: These pictures are DECEIVING... Avery is smiling.
The truth of the matter is, that as soon as we walked up the small ramp to get to our seats--
Avery began to cry.
Not just a small whimper of protest, but a blood curdling scream.
She buried her head into my chest and wouldn't budge.
She protested that it was too dark, too loud, and she didn't want to watch.
After a good ten minutes of pleading to leave,
evil-eye stares from those around us,
and more crying, we walked out.
Those seats cost a pretty penny.
I didn't want to ruin the experience for those around us.
And not a second before the door finished shutting behind us, she instantly switched back.
A sweet angel questioning me with her big brown eyes and a head tilt...
as though the past 10 minutes were a product of my imagination.
Then, the pleads began--
From me this time.
After that didn't work, I did what any mother would do-- bribery.
I started with the cheaper treats... $3.50 than $5.00.
She didn't bite. She held off until I got to the $10 buck Jessie cup snowcone.
Yes, I paid $10 bucks for a cup of flavored ice.
She is a smart little cookie... that's for sure.
Though we spent the first third of the show outside, we finally made it back to our seats.
Just in time to see "Barbie and Ken's" duet.
Avery fell in love... and the rest of the show was history.
She may know how to work her mom already. wink wink.
But I am doing something right because she was at least willing to share of treasures.
Lunch at Chick fila (for the kids) and Chipotle (for the Ladies).
Ice cream cones and matching pink balloons.
A good day is always measured by how quickly they fall asleep on the way home.
I would chalk this day up to a success.
A little bumpy start, but a sweet ending.
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