
August 26, 2008

Blog Marathon Continues- "NEW SHOES"

I know that I have already posted TWO new posts tonight... i just haven't been able to sit down and post some things on my mind due to upcoming events, preparing for work to end, and driving back to UTAH:
So here is the short Version- The Sales Reps were doing really well at hitting their goals in Springfield for an entire week, and had a really good Saturday, so the office decided to use the incentive money to buy all the reps shoes. I know that this might sound like a weird incentive, but it was probably the most well received incentive from the Reps. So we get to the store, well mall (went to the mall so they would have more choices and options), and the Reps dispersed like little kids in a candy store. They all seemed to regress back into that little boy mentality and engage in excitement over the "small" things in life, such as a new pair of sneakers. It was fun to observe, but the best part is contained in the days that follow. So we all leave the store, with each Rep carrying a shoe bag in his hand, and some even managed two bags- such bargain hunters:) Well, the Reps get back into the routine of knocking doors throughout the long days, but I can't help to notice that James seems to always step out in the same torn up sneakers he had when he first came out for the summer. I confronted him about the neglect of wearing his new shoes that had a lot more support and cushion than his worn out Nike's. His response: "I don't want to get them dirty" (or something to that effect). I am not sure why this touched me so much, or why it appeared so tender to my heart, it was just a simple honest answer... maybe it was the tone in his voice or the sweet innocence of his eyes, but all I know is in that moment my heart melted a little bit more for my sweetheart. Sometimes you don't understand the actions of others, yet the biggest reward comes when you least expect. When you take the time to try to understand another may it be a lover, mother, friend, sibling or stranger... Your heart is softened, and the world feels a little bit warmer, as though for a moment you see with the eyes of a simple minded child- and you are able to love without reservation.
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