
August 25, 2008


OK, I don't know how many of you mid-twenty year olds were given the privilege to be shaped by the Simpson family... but I want to take the time and set the record straight...
Well at least the story line and "township"
The family that brought so much controversy into our own homes, and at the same time provided joy and stupidity filled laughter night after night was based on an actual town. I always thought that this show was cultivated by a creative genius, yet little did I know the very same town that carries the legacy of Our famous president, Abraham Lincoln's birthplace, also brings the comical joys of adult cartoons.
I was able to spend a whole month, while Crown Plaza was our home away from home, gazing at the very "nuclear" plant that sat outside our hotel room window. It actually was operated by a guy that looked just like Mr. Burns and His assistant Mr. Smith. OH, The small Joys of life. Who knows maybe James was lucky enough to sell a Security System to the REAL Simpson Family...
But lets be honest... do you think Homer would be sold that easy?
Well looking back he did buy a truck full of sugar that dissolved in his front yard when the rain came.... So I wouldn't but it past him:) Would you?
I just loved the many DIVERSE characters within the different episodes. I think it is safe to say that I completely understand were the Character traits came from. They sure have many "colorful"- and by that I mean entertaining- people in town. For Example, when we went to the state fair I witnessed many families that were most likely the inspiration for the characters such as Cletus and Earl. What Character was your favorite? I bet I have a story about them!

See Here is a picture of the Family right before James came to knock on the door to get Good ol' HOmer Suckered in to buying a security system...

Gotta Love' em!!

Shout out to Geneve: "See you in the car"-Melhouse

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