
November 17, 2009

Christmas GIfts

Look Here. It's pretty cool and Green.
I love trying to find the right present for each love one.
PS I think I might make a few little surprises as well.
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November 8, 2009

Covered Wagon

Yep, We (James & I) are OFFICIAL.
Tonight James "successfully" gave me a covered wagon.
I know it's gross... REALLY it is gross.
But I can't help but smile.
I know ya'll think I am crazy.
Let's be honest I am.
I think it brings a sense of love and humor
to our relationship.
You ask how...
I am not sure to tell the truth.
All I can say is that,
it made us both laugh.
I love the "after"...
obviously not the part where the ordor was encompassing my whole body
without the help of fresh air to filter the smell.
But the after, when we both were laughing.
It was good.
This doesn't mean I want another one.
It means I enjoy HIM, Mr.Pendleton...
smelliness and all.

PS You ask what a covered wagon is, look here.
Only if you dare. Hope you had an enjoyable weekend.
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November 5, 2009

Early morning hours

Peaceful. I love them. It doesn't matter if I have stayed up all night or just woke up on my own to check on my little one sleeping or stumble into the bathroom. There is something magical about being awake right before the world rises. You can almost feel the excitement of a new day, as tangible as snuggling with Mr. Pendleton- one of my favorite activities.

Maybe its so refreshing because after I quietly sit, I can sneak back to bed right before Mr. Pendleton gets up and cuddle up close. I have to time it just right. If I try to snuggle too early, when he is in the deep REM type sleep, I am cuddling a stiff log. If I wait to long he is outta bed and already in the shower (which can be fun too). But if I catch him right in the middle... He is just right. A little drowsy so he rolls over wrapping his arms around me. Tight enough to hold me still if I try to move, yet loose enough to give him a kiss. Perfect for starting a new day.

I think it is just that time. I can hear the car noise pick up outside and the sky is turning a slighter blue. Therefore, I must go and start my perfect day.

P.S. I am watching Nana and Logan today. I am excited to play with them.
I heard that our little peanut was a handful yesterday... Sorry Carly.
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November 3, 2009

The red face kind.

CAUTION: This will probably embarrass Miss Avery when she is older, but me and her dad can't hold back the laughter. Our little lady can't help but to let everyone around her know she is doing her business. She hasn't learned the value of subtlety. Soon she will though.

You know what she is talking about. It sometimes catches you off guard.

The kind that takes all your might and turns your face crimson.

Then you are able to conquer it,

and tranquility comes back into your countenance.
Sometimes you are even left with the question face.
P.S. "Mommy loves me" is an understatement.
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November 2, 2009


What do you get when you put two farmers together?

ONE prize WINNING pumpkin.

Our first family Halloween costumes.

Equals a fun night of plinko, food, family, and a costume parade.

{Favorite costumes of the night: Octo-mom and cheerleader with really big pecs}
P.S. Mr. Pendleton looked really good in his farmer get-up... makes me want to tear up the back yard and start a garden.
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