
June 23, 2009

22 is the number...

Only two more months, and then our lives will change. August 22nd, 2009. It is a crazy thought. This past Sunday, I began to think. To think about the man I married. I love him. I thought about how he is going to make an amazing father. I am so LUCKY. Small quirks that make him...
My Sweetheart.
Wears sport socks as dress socks. Borrows my black socks when he doesn't have any- puts holes in them because they are too small and his toenails are REALLY sharp. A vein pops up on his forehead when he is tired and needs rest. Secretly likes the fact I always want to be near him- he won't admit it though. Puts sugar in his Wheaties. Doesn't like vegetables. Snuggles with me in the morning- I don't think he realizes Likes every sport imaginable- except soccer. Never leaves for work without making sure he gives me a kiss. Bakes the best brownies. Goes to the OB/GYN with me for my prenatal appointments. Plays with my hair. He loves candy and cheese, just as much as I do- of course not together though.
I Love you, babe.
HAPPY FAther's DAY!!!
From your two favorite girls.
The infamous picture is me at 31 weeks pregnant. I know, I look like I am due in two WEEKS not two MONTHS. I don't want "her" to think... she was adopted, since I am not very good at documenting the belly growth. It is fun to feel her moving inside me, though!
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  1. You look so cute!! I can't believe you are due in two months! Thats so exciting! :)

  2. your jsut beautiful!!!

  3. Oh you do look so cute! Isn't it crazy how much your belly can stretch?! I can't wait to see your cute girl!

  4. It's because you are so tiny. You are the cutest pregnant lady ever. I can't wait to see your baby.
