From your two favorite girls.
June 23, 2009
22 is the number...
From your two favorite girls.
June 20, 2009
Little bit of water...
It INCLUDES: Visiting teaching, a fall, a death, a funeral, and then some water. It is raining. It's been raining for a while. Though i would usually be one to anticipate the sunny skies, with the extra weight and bundle of joy, i have been enjoying the cool air and slight water drops. Besides the water that is filling Utah's lakes and reservoirs- thank goodness, there have been other down pours of water.
Two weeks ago, while attending our weekly sacrament meeting we found out that during our landlord's visiting teaching appointment she fell. Due to complications (brain damage) from the fall, she passed away.
The work day ends. I begin to drive home. I am nervous about what we are having for dinner even though my sweetie was fixing it. I open our basement door, and after proceeding to set down my bags, I stroll into the kitchen. Before I reach my destination, I notice the carpet feels a little squishy. I reached the tile, yet instead of a firm surface, I am met with 2-3 INCHES of water covering the entire floor.
Tears begin to swell and I can't hold it in. I didn't feel like explaining through sniffles why i was crying to Mr. Pendleton, so I just sent a text- "The kitchen is flooded". His response, "I will be home in a little bit". I walked to our bedroom to lay down. I needed it.
An hour later. Mr. Pendleton walks into a "situation" he wasn't expecting. Our rental history has been a few leaks here and there that can be taken care of with a quick towel wipe up. This was not one of those times. He met me in the bedroom and notice the tears: laid down next to me, gave me a hug and kiss, and asked what he could do. "Can you give me another hug," was the only response I could think of. It worked.
June 12, 2009
Forgiveness. Simply.
The past couple of months I have been overwhelmed... I am a slow learner when it comes to change. I sit back and watch. I watch until I am ready. Until I am ready to let reality sink in, and I CHOOSE to become part of the change. So i have been watching for a while and just studying... Now I am ready to share.
James rebuked me for "stealing". My reply, "We pay rent, therefore this bush is just as much ours". As soon as the buds were brought into our home, their aroma filled our small basement. So much that i had to take them to work and pass them off to another co-worker. Surprisingly a Male was the recipient. His office smelled like smoke and body odor- from students not him. The ROSES changed that. Service done. He just informed me yesterday, that it was time to pass them off to another office. I agreed. These beauties are STRONG, even for non-pregnant people. Roses that keep on giving.... I was happy. Don't worry Geneve, they are coming to you next.
It helps to not overwhelm the human-overactive mind. But sometimes, you need the whole picture. This is how I learn. Give me everything- so i have some idea or goal of what I should be working toward, and then we can focus on the details. Mother nature showed me this- A FULL rainbow. Granted, when i was young (4 & 5) i lived in Florida. During that time, there were many rainbows to be seen. It was there I found my first WHOLE rainbow. It is a treasure to see nature creating color and beauty amongst the rain clouds. Probably a lesson in its self to us, but that "idea" is for another day. I drove from work tonight thinking about James golfing, in what i thought was stormy/rainy weather, as I approached our home it appeared. The colors of the rainbow contrasting against the gray back drop.... I was happy.
James would be okay... haha won't get struck by lightening today.
She was kicking. I tried to lay on either side and back, but I couldn't find a position that was comfortable. It was already 5:00 am. A lot of people wake up this early and are functioning adults. Therefore, i don't need anymore sleep. I lean over and kiss Mr. Pendleton on the forehead and enter the living room. nothing on TV. Good time to join the cyber world and catch up on some blog reading and then I begin to ponder about those small moments that make me happy. I read blogs. I begin my long awaited entry- even though i thought posting a few pictures would help the not-blogging guilt brewing this past month. The sun begins to peek through our small window. And I feel her kick again which places a smile on my face. At least I am getting use to getting up early with her. I just heard Mr. Pendleton's first alarm go off. He sets like three... he is a snoozer. Third one just with off and he is up. I have to go. I get to spend time with TWO of my favorite people- Miss Peanut and Mr. Pendleton... I am Happy.