
April 29, 2011

I Quit... He graduated.

It is true. I have OFFICIALLY left Stevens-Henager College. There was so much ahead in the very near future to get ready for (mentally and physically), that I couldn't sit boxed in by four cold walls any longer. The office really only had three walls due to the fact one was weirdly curved that made it even more claustrophobic, but that was besides the point, I just needed out.... I had already turned in my two weeks notice a week and half ago and had three vacation days left. Therefore, I finished my workday on saturday and packed up my office. On Monday morning, I walked into my boss's office and told him I was using my three remaining vacation days to finish out the two weeks notice. It was short and awkward...

But it was done.

My focus turned to the things that make me happy like family, Little miss, James' graduation, and moving. After walking out the door, there was this tangible weight lifted off my shoulders instantly. It felt so very sweet.

So during that two week "break": I packed up our little duplex, played with my darling, went to doctor appointments, finalized plans for our Pomeroy Reunion/ Dallas trip, planned a graduation party for the mister, and just relaxed... I even had time to slip in a pedicure as well.

Sometimes work just gets in the way. But I am so very thankful that Mr. Pendleton graduated and is starting a job with Sherwin Williams in June. We are so very proud of him. Here's to another chapter of our story beginning. CHEERS...

We are grateful for him and those that helped us get him here.
Hip Hip Hooray!! He's done.

Note: We did have a little scare after graduation through an email that stated he needs 2  more credits to complete his major. 
Thank goodness for his academic counselor who is taking care of the "mix-up" as we speak.
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