Lil miss Avery loves watching the players bang each other into the glass.
A couple of times they got pretty aggressive with one another.
I have to admit that is my favorite part about hockey, when the gloves come off.
The game gets interesting.
Though I am not a fan, when Mr. Pendleton is involved.
When lil miss wasn't being entertained by the loud bashing of bodies against the glass,
she was wrestling in her own fight.
Getting some fruit snacks out of the wrapper proves to be a challenge.
When you have cute stubby little fingers, those pesky treats can give you a tough time.
She always seems to succeed... probably because she has some help from me.
The games are usually during Avery's bedtime (9:30), but we love it when we can attend.
It's fun to see Mr. Pendleton strut his stuff on ice.
PS. I couldn't get any good shots of Mr. P for two reasons... moving target and glass.
I need some basic pointers, Carly.
You definitely are a PRO with the camera.
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She's so funny!... i love her so much!