
November 10, 2010

1-2-3... Laughter.

Those big brown eyes get me every time.
Count it off for lil miss... ONE, TWO, THREE:

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November 6, 2010


I spend a lot of my time "pushing papers" for my job, now a days. Some days it eats me up inside. A lot of the time it eats me up. But, today.... today is different. I was able to spend time with my lil miss. Time we spent walking hand in hand, sharing kisses, and discovering.

(Miss Avery on "her" turtle @ the mall.
She watched him like a hawk, and wouldn't let ANYONE on him.)

A good mother would have probably tried to correct this behavior and teach a lesson in sharing.
I stood back and just smiled. I was proud that she was standing up for herself.
It was endearing.
I am grateful for days like these.

PS I am also grateful that Mr. P is working hard so that we may have many more moments like today together in the future.
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November 4, 2010

hockey bliss

Lil miss Avery loves watching the players bang each other into the glass.
A couple of times they got pretty aggressive with one another.
I have to admit that is my favorite part about hockey, when the gloves come off.
The game gets interesting.
Though I am not a fan, when Mr. Pendleton is involved.
When lil miss wasn't being entertained by the loud bashing of bodies against the glass,
she was wrestling in her own fight.
Getting some fruit snacks out of the wrapper proves to be a challenge.
When you have cute stubby little fingers, those pesky treats can give you a tough time.
She always seems to succeed... probably because she has some help from me.

The games are usually during Avery's bedtime (9:30), but we love it when we can attend.
It's fun to see Mr. Pendleton strut his stuff on ice.

PS. I couldn't get any good shots of Mr. P for two reasons... moving target and glass.
I need some basic pointers, Carly.
You definitely are a PRO with the camera.
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November 1, 2010

Pink Butterfly fairy and the potty.

Cousins being cousins.
Nana is in the process of being potty trained, and Avery wanted in on the action.
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Happy Halloweenie

Halloween at the Pendleton House...
Some Jack-o-lanterns
Scary smooching...
And the best part... PUMPKIN CARVING.
And of course, what is the fall season without a little bit of caramel and apples?
Self-proclaimed: NUMBER ONE TREAT (anytime of the year).
Hope yours was a good as ours.

P.S. James worked till eight delivering pizza's... and I played the game of tricking kids into thinking no one was home.
I didn't know where James put the candy to hand out:(
It was so relaxing and besides only two groups of kids actually came by even though the lights were out.

P.S.S. We headed off to Jeff and Carly's to hang out with James family later in the evening.
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