I feel as though this summer has been going in slow motion. We have been out here for a
while, though it seems. James sums it up well: "the days drag-on, but weeks fly by during summer sales". There is so much truth to that statement. It almost feels like ground hog day. The summer sale schedule gives you the opportunity to "perfect" a daily routine, but I have not. That is a story for another time. What I want to talk about is pig-tails.
The fact that Lil Miss has changed from a small infant (8 months) crawling from here to there into a (almost) one year old walker with teeth- four to be exact- and all.
I miss my baby.
The past couple of weeks with the quick visit to utah and all the moving has been a little "hard" on Miss avery. She got sick (viral infection in the throat) and then sick again (a cold from a nothing younster on the plane). Needless to say she has barely started to feel better. On the positive side she LOVE LOVES to snuggle. All day long, she could only muster the energy to crawl up in my lap and lay and lay. I was/am in heaven. She gave up the whole rocking me to sleep thing by 4 months. So naturally, I obliged to her requests. We might have a problem on her hands when she feels better. I am sure we will, but so worth it.
The main purpose for this post is that:
1)its been a while and 2)Lil Miss is 11 months old TODAY.
I cant believe it....
in only 1 month I will stop referring to months when
asked my little baby's age and be forced to answer with 1 YEAR.
I am crying. Really.
I just want to document lil miss:
1) she smiles and smile and smiles
2) Lil miss and mommy spend lots of time together
3) she goes down for the night without a fight
4) her milk has to be warm-- STILL (I know its a little excessive)
5) she has long fingernails because her mother doesn't have to courage to cut them
Once i cut James nails when we first were married and cut his finger, been scared ever since. Understandable, right?
6) she loves to play hide and seek.
Usually, I am the hider and she finds me.
7) LOVES bath time and Pool time
8) REALLY loves other kids especially her cousins.
9) Began to walk at 10 months
10) Her hair grows only in the back-- and is long enough for PIG-TAILS.
Mommy and daddy couldn't be happier.
We have so much love for her sweet spirit and chubby cheeks.
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